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Στον Renewal ειναι λιγο unballanced οι classes, στον  Core δεν εχει πολλα ατομα + τιν φημη του server...

Μπρος γκρεμος. πισω ρεμα..

Αντε παιξε  Renewal..


Renewal file..

Opws eipe k o stefoulis ligo pio panw o server einai l2OFF , exei enan polu kalo arithmo atomwn (gwrw sta 1200 me 1300 max tin hmera), exei foverous developers, polla clan wars/ raids/ Pvp / Pve..Eukolo Farm kai genika einai enas server ston opio mporeis na peraseis polu euxarista tis wres sou..


Uneffect den tha sumfwnisw me auto pou les oti einai unbalanced gt auth h leksh den tairiazei se kamia periptwsh ton L2-Renewal..Mia xara balanced einai apla oi prwtoi paixtes pou mpikan ekei anevasane daggers/ archers kai mages kai apo tote eginan ''thesmos'' auta ta class epidh mallon o kosmos den empisteuotan na kanei ena allo sub/main gia na paiksei nomizontas oti den tha metraei..K omws einai para polu balanced ta classes..Kai ola einai ftiagmena me vash to kanoniko lineage..Exw paiksei ston renewal 7 classes ( GH, TH, Destro, PR, Sps, Paladin, SK) kai den vrika kamia ma kamia dusleitouria..


File revenger arxise renewal sto sunisto anepifulakta kai tha deis pws den tha ksekolas..


Παντως εγω με  Gladi  δεν εκανα και πολλα, βασικα εκανα, αλλα οι αλλοι εκαναν περισσοτερα...

Ερχετε ο sps με Malaria (1800casting) και σου σκαει 1200-1300+ σε 2-3 seconds  σου εχει φαει CP, και καπως ετσι παει και η ΗP, ενω εσυ εχεις σκασει 1700(triple) 1000(double) σε εκεινο το σημειο ο μαγος απομακρινεται και εσυ βατας me rages με το πασο σου..σε χει φαει μεχρι να φτασεις 7.

Δηλαδη μονο με τους μαγους ειχα prob κατα τα αλλα νταξει.. gladi ειναι..


anamesa se aftous tous 2 server exo paiksi mono core


ala ego s leo pos kaliteros einai o renewal gt exo akousei polla kala gia afton ton server kai pote asxima pragmata


ara ego psifizo renewal!!!


Παντως εγω με  Gladi  δεν εκανα και πολλα, βασικα εκανα, αλλα οι αλλοι εκαναν περισσοτερα...

Ερχετε ο sps με Malaria (1800casting) και σου σκαει 1200-1300+ σε 2-3 seconds  σου εχει φαει CP, και καπως ετσι παει και η ΗP, ενω εσυ εχεις σκασει 1700(triple) 1000(double) σε εκεινο το σημειο ο μαγος απομακρινεται και εσυ βατας me rages με το πασο σου..σε χει φαει μεχρι να φτασεις 7.

Δηλαδη μονο με τους μαγους ειχα prob κατα τα αλλα νταξει.. gladi ειναι..

Den einai logiko omws auto? An exeis tateos. set +3 tha vgazeis gurw sto 1200 m def to polu..O mage (enas sps gia paradeigma) me ena +3 am, arcana power kai +4 INT vgazei 4k m attack kai mazi me malaria lv. 4 ( to opio einai ena part tou l2 opws k na to kanoume)  tha exei 1908 cast (dioti oi AIo sto game sou parexoun ola ta buffs)..Logiiko einai loipon na trws 1000 me 1200 dmg aplo hit.. An den exeis Baium logiko einai epishs na exeis toso mikro attack speed akoma kai me +4 DEX..Tattoo's den uparxoun..Liwse ligo pare Boss Jewls kai kala duals (me +8-9 o gladi einai gg ) kai tha deis pws tha feugoun oi magoi gia to vilage..

Renewal exw peksei ston server! twra core exei kai to "kalo" onoma!

btw apo auta pou exw peksei sto renewal htan poli kalos server no lag,no bugs and more!


x50 kai adena x2General Informations :

Full interlude OFF server

Rate : 50x

Stable and laggless

Fully retail like skills

Fully working clan system

Debuff bar perfectly working

Skill auto learning

There is no 20 level difference gap , you can powerlevel your low character

No deleveling bug

Bugless geodata

DDOS protection system ( by Sawk )

Active staff

Fair donations

Class changer , no quest needed for 1st , 2nd and 3rd class

Star of destiny in shop

For the rest of the quest you have to do it yourself

Most of the teleport spawn are safe



Olympiad Informations :

The olympiad period is 2 weeks

Olympiad is from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT+1 everyday

You need 9 match and 3 wins to be eligible to hero

The reuse of the skill is reseted after each olympiad match so you are abble to sign in again instantly and not wait for 1 hours for the skill reuse like on the others server

You can check the hero and olympiad period Here



Buffs Informations :

Buffs in party only to avoid grief buffing

3 hours normal buff

3 hours dances and song ( siren effect decreased )

3 hours prophecies , 20 mins COV

Cat & Unicorn buff have the normal time



Farming Informations :

Custom farming system ( Survival like )

Custom ecomic system ( Survival like )

AA droping in Despair, Execution ground , Cruma tower , DVC

High level AA droping in Imperial tomb , Abandoned coal mines

Life stones spoil in Abandoned Coal mines

S grad weapon part spoil in Imperial tomb



Okay guys arxisa xtes to vrady renewal..Meta apo 5 writses exoume kai leme :D


SpS main class 77 me dc full +4/3/3/6 set,tateo set +3,Som +3..Kai smr an vrw xrono na pe3w to vrady 8a kanw sub TH gt exw vgalei AS +3 me chance gia p.def otan me hitaroun kai dragonic set +4/4/4/4


arxisa renewal tin stigmi p anoikse... meta to paratisa gt eixan oloi active//passive skill se wep apo lifestones.. itan arketa eykolo na piaseis skill... ego eixa mpei mono kai mono na paikso oly... me ta skill p pianane ti na katso na kanw... oraios itan alla lifestones kai balance anamesa se class dn pane mazi.

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