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This is `ReVenGeR^ and DarkSlayeR w00t..


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Yo guys...1 week ago i was speaking with darkslayer about my char on L2DeathWhisper..I Know darkslayer about 5 months and he was good man..And we wanted to buy a char at L2Eurogold..

He was the only one who knew my pass on L2DeathWhisper..Now,3 days ago..I Tried to login in L2DeathWhisper..

Password don't match this account


My friend was in game with his char (8elotohpsou) looked at my clan..I Was ldr..lvl8 full skills..Leaders name Ping..


I Do not care about my char on DeathWhisper..Really..But that he made me so mad..with hes action...So much that i will find his address..But now it's okay..He brought the items in eurogold..with giving my char..

So..we have to congratulate DarkSlayer for teh biggest Asshole of MxC for period 2009-2010..


GrisoM add him on awards plz..


Reply here :P i just wanted to know how revenger ended in DW

Lol nab darky is a br0....He is the best guy i have ever met here...And i don't think that he is the only one...What about PaniIiKoC???Darkslayer would never do such a thing....And ofc it's ur fault to give ur acc...And if i remember well u told him that u don't fvckin' care about DW and you would trade ur DW acc for an L2Euroworld imba char....BUT he never gave ur acc...He just gave his items on L2Phoenix.Ro

Your fault.But  that darkslayer  and masterdisaster i think?They are 110% Idiots.Cuz they are platinum they think that they are mods or something.



Revenger,cant u understood that this guy is stupid enough?Since he had 5-6 pics in his signature?LOL?Now he has 3.The most idiot i've ever seen.Even now who did something like that lame action to revenger.




This is the truth

Could u pls STFU????Do u know me???I'm platinum 'coz i want to help the forum...If u must know i was banned with my old platinum acc and i donated again to show that i was not a leecher and i really like the forum....I AM NOT STUPID....But as i can see ur stupidity has no limits...Do u think i care about my -beep-ing privs???I DON'T GIVE A SH*T...

About his sig...He has 3 awesome pictures....What's ur problem???Ok,Then u have a crappy motorbike that can't even reach the 5km per hour...What's ur problem???

If u don't know US don't talk about US!!

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Υπάρχουν και τα pm.


Φιλικά πάντα.

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Lol nab darky is a br0....He is the best guy i have ever met here...And i don't think that he is the only one...What about PaniIiKoC???Darkslayer would never do such a thing....And ofc it's ur fault to give ur acc...And if i remember well u told him that u don't fvckin' care about DW and you would trade ur DW acc for an L2Euroworld imba char....BUT he never gave ur acc...He just gave his items on L2Phoenix.RoCould u pls STFU????Do u know me???I'm platinum 'coz i want to help the forum...If u must know i was banned with my old platinum acc and i donated again to show that i was not a leecher and i really like the forum....I AM NOT STUPID....But as i can see ur stupidity has no limits...Do u think i care about my -beep-ing privs???I DON'T GIVE A SH*T...

About his sig...He has 3 awesome pictures....What's ur problem???Ok,Then u have a crappy motorbike that can't even reach the 5km per hour...What's ur problem???

If u don't know US don't talk about US!!

+1 to your both answers its all i wanted to say
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u got msn - pms - phones - dicks


do what ever you want . . .


childish games make me so horny

yeah m2..


ehm , kenji.. wanna make some cookiesss? xD


both of u i knew u where lesbians xD

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So let's say that DarkSlayer stole you...Then why we (MxC) should care about this? It is something personal, a personal war between you and him. You made this topic in order to make wars and blame each other? Or you wanted to say a goodbye to L2DeathWhisper? LoL you have already stopped for 2 months? Anyway, I will lock this topic, it's totally useless.


BTW, If he stole you, take this as a lesson. Don't give anything to anyone! Especially passwords etc.


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