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A guide ><



Hello guys, we've got several guide how to create a server but since Im total noob I need to know which is the best and most newbie-explanation one.

What I need:


- I need guide to create L2J Interlude server

- Guide must be with details for noobs



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I can help you!Find a guide(something) and i will explain you how to edit java-compile.


Okay! Can you add me on msn? go.vlad@hotmail.com



I've seen this guide but after reading *CT2 Pack* I though it's guide for CT2 server configuration.



Okay thanks I will check those!

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check my post again, the paste for stratics was my mistake, i was senting pm and i was replying on this topic at the same time :P

Unfortunately i think i gave a link for compile to the guy that asked me for stratics page.. -.-

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