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[Video]Lets make Vent nerds angry?


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So i found on youtube a kind of guy making nerds angry just check it out :D xD OH MY GOD he is HILARIOUS!!!


She will begin crying








Here are some of them, just search on youtube the rest :D OMG i laugh so much watching this!



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an old moderator that hated these things :P

He's banned, i dont remember the reason


Ohh :P,//OFF: more one question why i don't recieve any mails more from maxcheaters? it was pretty better, cuz now my favorites of firefox is full and full of links check it :P



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lawl i would suggest you to start deleting em.. ive got only 6 and im satisfied of them :s for the others u can save them on txt file (The url)

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lawl i would suggest you to start deleting em.. ive got only 6 and im satisfied of them :s for the others u can save them on txt file (The url)


If i delete 'em i forget what i did before, i smoke to much weed, my head don't work good anymore :D XD, and about the txt file, i don't like it :P

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