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D kserw an prepei na t pw bug afto i kolpaki pantws einai polu xrhsimo gia osous variountai t exp sta prwta idika lvl.. loipon kanete t eksis exete enan warlock high lvl p.x kai kanete party me ton mikro sas char.. pigenete s ena meros sta lvl tou warlock k vazete t gata na skotwnei ta mob k o warlock omws na einai makria... an exete ton low lvl char dipla sto gati 8a parete sxedon olo t exp eseis p 8a eperne o warlock.. dld me liga logia mesa se 5 lepta 40 lvl :P afto 8a einai arketa xrisimo gia academy otan ftiaxnete new chars..

osa topics koitaksa d t eixa.. sry an t exoun ksanagrapsei edw pera.. peite comments..


Pistevw re paidia oti ayta einai pia kanones toy l2 oloi etsi eksparoyn new chars egw pantos ton protimo toy astralized* ektos kai an den mporw na ton exp mono meta sta 45 lvl pou anagastika kanw to allo!!!


kian figis makria pos tha kaneis target ta mob gia na ta kill to pet?!! kai pisteuo pos den tha piasi gt automata to pet perni to 25-90% tou xp!! malon o srv itan pou eftege

Loipon.. Gia na to eksigisw egw kala... To exw kanei se l2elixir alla oxi me warlock alla me dark avenger.... Gia paradeigma eisai 50 lvl warlock i DA.... pigaineis se ena meros p exei 50 lvl terata kai exeis pt ton char p 8elei to xp...kaneis targt to mob k kaneis attack apo tou pet ta "skills"... o walock fevgei makria gia na mn parei to xp k to xp pigainei sto pio kontino pt member dld tn low lvl.... ara gg nice xp..... kalo einai na exeis enan buffer eksw apo to pt na healarei to pet alliws bb to pet kai paei sta alla pt members.... to postarw etc gia na ktlvete pws ginetai mias k o l2senkss dn ka8etai na sas eksigisei kala...

Πολύ καλά...Το ενδεχόμενο όμως ο server να μην έχει πειραχτεί σε αυτά (επειδή κανονικά άμα έχεις κάνει spawn pet παίρνει ΠΑΡΑ πολύ xp) το σκεφτήκατε;

Συμφωνώ με τον Astralized μόνο εφόσον ο server είναι high rate, ειδάλως μέχρι να κάνεις lvl 80 100% char... :P


akrivws opws t eipa o spermatozwario einai.. d sas lew na t pate sto xiliometro p na min fenete t mob apla na eiste s kapws makrini apostasi g na min parete to exp.. sigekrimena me t KAI THE CAT eperna sxedon olo to xp ston l2existence.. pisteuw oti pianei s olous tous servers alla mono se afton t exw dokimasei..


PE φίλε EΛEOΣ αυτό ΔEN EINAI bug AΛΛA τυ ΓIA TON κόπο σου

koitakse terma pano k 8a deis p lew stin arxi oti borite na t pite i bug ite kolpaki.. k meta mila..


ontws einai ena aplo kolpaki alla egw na fantasteite ston l2elixir to ekana se kati 50 lvl mobs me dark avenger me pet dark panther k o char o low lvl mesa se 2 lepta apo 25 lvl pige 40...

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