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I represent you a new program for enchanting skills weapons etc. I will not speak simply we look video with youtube much or  download together with a program in archive I use it for a long time I have shown a current 2 examples as it can be used, maybe someone will find to it an another use.:)))

Program+Videotutorial:Deposit Files

Video Youtube:




Ps:I hide it cause this propably works i didnt test it yet


Wait I didn't get you!

This is to make enchantment of skills or weapons faster, or have an 100% success on enchanting the skill/weapon?

If the enchant is 100%, and it's so simple I would suggest to hide it more :P

If Anyone tests it, tell us results :D


i can not understand what it does either.........But i think its a program for fast enchant

If its sth rly usefull it should be hided for 1000 posts anything more would be for 3 or 5 ppl and donators ofc...

Thnx for the share anyways ^^


The replies aren't anything :P The only thing we ask is if it enchants with 100% chance or make your life simplier by enchanting faster :P

And your topic's title says everything :D

Anyway I will test it right now!


i gave thje program already


Dude no one is forcing you to give us the program, only you can generate your own topic, but that it is useless hided with 1k posts it is, cuz as i said above it just copy movements..


Well, tested both on Interlude server.

It is not a hacking programm so you won't get banned, but it doesn't work only at l2...

It is a simple programm that somehow copies what you have done...

It's usefull just to help you with the time :P

It's not 100% rate on item and skill enchant too...

1000 Posts are insane, 500 posts are much 200 posts are good :P

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