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[Video][Guide] Make your own media player [VB]


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Whazaaa....guyz?! Today i will show you how to make your own media player with VB. This player will looks like windows media player but it will be ur own player.


The only you have to do is to download Visual Basic Express Edition 2008 and to download my own video .


That's it! Is too simple and too funny to make your own programs with this easy way.

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As i can see inspiration comes to u especially in the morning!The most of your shares have been created early in the morning. hehe :D Btw Really nice guide, Keep up! U're close to your target.. ;)

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As i can see inspiration comes to u especially in the morning!The most of your shares have been created early in the morning. hehe :D Btw Really nice guide, Keep up! U're close to your target.. ;)

well only at the morning i have time to make shares like this because i am alone at the room with the pc so ....


also in some mins is coming my best share at VB


i will show how to make your own web browser!

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Lol i need this xD . lets make some playersss  :P

players??? what do you mean players??? you mean you will make many media players???
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