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[Question] To Maxtor.


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Hey Maxtor just a question


Maxcheaters dosnt need any more donations alredy, or some one from staff-Platinum by "Mistake" locked the "New Lifetime Platinum & Donator Members!" Thread?


As you can see is locked





People wants to ask in thread how to donate, and they cant:




Well i am not Gold any more so i cant do anything about it, but i guess you still need donations to help forum.


Regards, GrisoM.

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I dont think we need to unlock this topic cause its full with spam as the last post says and how-to-donate-information is on the topic first page http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6039.0 .

The user posted here -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=68581.0 maybe didn't read the topic.Cause it has all info about donating even pictures of how-to.


Ps: Dont get me wrong but I think is locked to avoid spamming , and I think we need to leave it locked.

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