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[Gracia Final L2J]L2 Diversify New- Need Staff/Players


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welcome to the new server called L2 Diversify, I am doing test runs on the server and everything looks to be in order. Im looking for a staff and new players to get this server running. It has been a goal for me to get many players and a staff going on this to make it a great server for everyone.


You Just need to put this in your host files, localhost l2authd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com


server is new, Rates are 15 for Exp and SP and 75 for adena. Gmshop buffer and teleporter, with 4 custom leveling area's. Have added events and much more. If you look to play on my server or want to be apart of my staff please send me a PM on here and apply. I need more players then staff, im looking for someone who knows GM but also can bring 5 players also to my server someone who can keep me up and going.


thanks so much- And remember PM Me

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L2Diversify is still on testing.


We are working at the website atm. The website will be http://www.l2diversify.us


Beta will  open this week and after 24hours of beta will go LIVE!

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Welcome to L2 Diversify Server SERVER IS LIVE!!!!




Processador 6 Quad Core 9500 +

8 GB de RAM

1 HD x 160 GB Total

Servidor 99.9% Uptime

Location: USA







Processador 6 Quad Core 9500 +

8 GB de RAM

1 HD x 160 GB Total

Servidor 99.9% Uptime

Location: USA




Exp: X45 SP: X45 Adena: X90






* Gracia Final Server

* Items all from C1- Present

* PvP Events are Auto and CTF are Auto

* PvP

* Olimpiads

* Server open 24 hours a day 7 days a week to all players

* TvT Event

* Global Gatekeeper

* 2 Hour Buffer

* Auto Learn Skills

* Enchant Min 4 Max 35




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  • 2 weeks later...

Full Player PVP package - $100.00US

-Level 84 Character


-Level 80 Subclass


-1 Gold of Divinity


-1 Pure Ancient Adena


-50 Blessed Scroll of Escape


-500 Quick Healing Potion

-1000 CP Potion




Raid Boss Jewels package - $500.00US


-Ring of Baium - $125.00US


-Ring of Queen Ant - $125.00US


-Zaken's Earring - $125.00US


-Earring of Antharas - $125.00US


-Necklace of Valakas - $150.00US


-Frintezza's Necklace - $125.00US



Armor & Weapons

Apella Armor set +6 - $135.00USD


S Grade Armor set +6 - $100.00US


S Grade Weapon with SA +12 - $120.00US




Useful Items

10 Gold of Divinity - $35.00USD


5 Pure Ancient Adena - $50.00USD

Any life Stone level 76 - 25.00USD


50 S grade Blessed Armor enchant Scrolls - $50.00USD


50 S Grade Blessed Weapon Enchant Scrolls - $50.00USD







Add SA on any weapon - $50.00USD


Enchant a skill to +12 - $50.00USD


Name Change - $10.00USD


Reset PK Count - $5.00USD


Change the Color of your name - $15.00USD


Clan name Change - $25.00USD

Change Clan Leader - $10.00USD

Set your clan to level 8 - $30.00USD

50,000 Reputation Points for your clan - $45.00USD




too much for a x15 server

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server is up and running but we still w8 for kadar to answear at a Pm . we will be GOLD member in hopzone soon!  :D and then a lot of players will be online! the shhitt is that u guys (maxcheaters.com) have the chance to be the frsts from the server and get a lot off privileges!



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