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[Guide]Complete Weapon Glow Guide [11-09-09]

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I saw that there were a couple of weapon glow guides; some very old, some only about the coloring.

In this guide Im going to try to explain Weapon glow editing as complete as possible, with step by step guide, tips and tricks, links and utilities. Now no more time wasting, let's go.


Table of contents


[GLOWLIST] (also on the 3rd post)

(1st post)




[LINK LIST] (3rd post)

[CREDITS] (3rd post)




Video guide:



Detailed guide:


I know it, there are alot of guides about this already, so there's actually no sense in retyping it, so Im just going to quote to CriticalErrors guide, along with the utility:


EnchantEditor (it states it's only for IL but in fact you can use it for any Chronicle)

Downloadable here: http://rapidshare.com/files/79993036/L2Enchant_editorEditor.rar

Credits for sharing to: CriticalError


And here the guide by CriticalError


1 - Good to be the first thing to do is get off this program with which to open the file may env.int what can be downloaded from here


For Interlude:



For Gracia part 2 and Final (CT2.2 and CT2.3) + Patched System!



2 - Open L2 File edit give "Open and decrypt" then look for the directory where you have your folder system would default c:\ program files\Lineage II\system


3 - Then open the file env.int once done seek these lines














4 - The lines of "Enchant0=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1)" are the colours of weapons, in "Enchant?=


(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) " i interrogation where the [?] is where you have to put the number corresponding to the number of enchants


5 - These are the colors with their corresponding lines


-Blue (normal)



-Red (normal)



-Yellow/Orange (alternating)



-White/violet (alternating)









-white/blue (very good)








6 - Putting lines where the interrogation [?] enchants the number of which will belong to the color (they can be repeated or combine to taste admin) aLL out


7 - When this all ready and already have the colors you want to do this then put "Save and encrypt" and is ready and save it codificaion "111" enjoy :D



If you want to a certain number of enchants only shine a color here is the solution


Putting the lines in which according to the number enchants varieties of the color of the weapon


If you want that from this number to 65535 (Maximo) shine with a single color add, if not you have a last line separated from the others, with color and without number enchant




[blank line]



And it is ready to enjoy


all that we have to mix colors and which leave no? eh eh therefore expensive here:''R''in maximum and minimum = 255 = 0 you put the quantity of each color


you want to be seen pj =




R1=cantidad de rojo R2=amount of red (in the seconds brightness)

B1=cantidad de azul B2=amount of blue (in the seconds brightness)

G1=cantidad de verde G2=amount of green (in the seconds brightness)


by CriticalError


TIP: Before you encrypt and save it, set these values to 0 for the next parts of the guide:




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Most weapons in Lineage 2 have a good positioning and scale of the glow already, but when you make a custom weapon, or want to fix for example the monster only weapons (from which the glows mostly suck) then here's a guide to do so.


Video guide:



Detailed guide:


1 - With your L2 file edit Open and Decrypt weapongrp.dat


2 - For this guide we are going to edit the Dusk sword from Lilith's Escort. I just searched the weapon ID in my database, it's 5800. So in the decrypted and openend weapongrp.dat Im going to search the weapon with ID 5800


3 - Copy the entire line, go to the bottom of the file and paste it there, and change the ID to, whatever, 66660 (can be any number that isn't used by an existing weapon already)


4 - Scroll to the left until you find these numbers:

1000	0	-1	0			0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000				

	LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000

The first four numbers aren't very special: curvature, UNK_4, is_hero and UNK_5. Only is_hero is quite handy: if you set this to 1 (instead of the default -1) the special effect is directly visible, even though the weapon isn't enchanted +7.


Then we got two blank spaces; there you put in the special glow effect of the first weapon, and the special glow effect of the 2nd weapon if it is a dual type of weapon.


Then we got a row of digits with very big significance, all for the positioning and scaling of the special glow effect, and next to it 5 blank spaces for the 2nd weapon if it is a dual. These I explain in next part of the guide below.


LineageWeapons.rangesample; it's the glow model, just leave it as it is. Then blank space for 2nd weapon glow model.


Now what it's all about. Again numbers with big significance. The first three are for scaling in x,y and z direction, the last three are for positioning in the x,y and z direction.


I numbered them from *1 to *6. At the following screens I have set the named number to a high value, so you can see what happens:




5 - So now we know what is for what, for this guide Im want to edit the glow so that only the blade glows, and also not too excessive.


Now here is the best tip and utility of the entire guide: the Dev console. It is way quicker to check your glows and edited weapons and customize them than starting up the client and logging in etc.


Downloadable at this topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50128.0


So, usually the glow at this weapon is just a little orb, just above the hand of the wielder, so first I gonna put it a little higher above the hand, where the blade begins, by setting *4 (the 4th number) to 18.00000000.


I also want to have the glow go over the entire blade, so I set *1 to 2.50000000.


Finally I want the glow to be a bit 'thinner', so I set *2 and *3 both to 0.75000000. These values are all just wild guesses. If you really want to perfectionate your glows you probably gonna try lots of different combinations, keep save and encrypting them and testing them in the Dev console.


TIP: If you really have no clue of what these values should be, it is quite handy to copy the weapon (so the entire line) a couple of times, change the ID's of course, and change the values of the positions and scalings, so you can test more values at once.


6 - Save and Encrypt my weapongrp.dat; if you might get an error here it is quite annyoing, because you mostly won't figure out where exactly you might have overwritten a blank space or something, so you best can copy the weapons (ID 5800) again, remove the old one(s) and change the values again carefully.


Start up the Dev console, hit the Tab button on your keyboard, type pv, hit Enter and the Pawnviewer window will pop-up. Select the blank tab left from Etc tab and scroll down to the bottom where your weapons are and check the glows. If you don't see the glow, you should set the EnchantMeshShow=0 in env.int file. Here is my glow now.




7 - Im not very happy with it yet: the glow could be a little lower (more towards the hand of the wielder), a little 'thinner'; it is still quite wide, and it still doesnt go over the entire blade yet.


So in File edit open up weapongrp.dat again, scroll to bottom, scroll left to our numbers, there I see I totally forgot to change *2 and *3, I only told here ><, so I just set them to 0.75000000 as I stated above.


Im not really sure what I should put at *1 now, so Im gonna make a second weapon, change it's Id to 66661 or something. At the first I set *1 to 3.00000000


and at the 2nd I set *1 to 2.75000000. I neither know what to put at *4, so I copy/paste them both (66660 and 66661) change the ID's (66662 and 66663). At the first two I set *4 to 17.50000000 and the last two I set *4 to 17.00000000.


Save and encrypt, Dev console etc. and now 66661 seems perfect:




Only still a little wide, so Ill just delete the others (66660, 66662 and 66663), copy/paste 66661 twice and change ID's to 66660 and 66662.


Change *2 and *3 at the first to 0.70000000, at the other to 0.600000000 and at the final to 0.500000000. Save encrypt, Dev console, and now the last one is almost perfect, so Ill just delete the others and set 2* and 3* to 0.450000000, Save encrypt, Dev console, and now, the final version:




Here the numbers:

LineageWeapons.rangesample		2.52500010	0.44999999	0.44999999	18.95000076	0.00000000	0.00000000


Of course, this glow is now edited to my liking: perhaps you only want it to have the glow at the wielders hand, or rather have it more wide, or whatever.





Video Guide:



Result of the Video:

0	66666	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.Mon_lidia_von_helmann_sword_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.Mon_lidia_von_helmann_sword_t00_wp				0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	icon.weapon_monster_i00					-1	1560	51	0	0	0		1		27	1	1	LineageWeapons.Mon_lidia_von_helmann_sword_m00_wp		1		1	LineageWeaponsTex.Mon_lidia_von_helmann_sword_t00_wp				4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_big_2	ItemSound.sword_small_3	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	0	0	1	0	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	2	2	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.w_vari_r4_004_a		1.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.10000002	1.50000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.20000005	0.32499999	0.34999999	18.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				


Detailed Guide:


What's a weapon without an awesome looking, bad ass glow ^^


Again we gonna take the Dusk weapon, from which the normal glow is nicely edited now.


1 - Open up weapongrp.dat, look for the weapon with ID 5800, copy it and paste at the bottom of the file and change the ID to 66660 or w/e (or if you still have the item from the previous part of the guide, just skip this step.)


2 - Scroll to the left, untill you find these numbers:

1000	0	-1	0			0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000				



3 - Again, the first 4 numbers of this quote don't do very much, but then the two blank spaces; we now only use the first one, as the 2nd one is for the 2nd weapon if it is a fist or dual weapon.


We have a couple of option to put in there, and in fact one of the reasons I made this guide, is because I just figured more different special glows. For now, we just go the standard one. At the bottom of this guide I got a couple of interesting glows listed.


The code for the glow on a single handed sword is LineageEffect.c_u004. So just put it there and it looks like this:

1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u004		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000		



4 - Now the big digits again. At the Special glows, it is the other way around from the normal glows: the first three are for positioning, and the last two are for scaling. I numbered them from ^1 to ^5 again, and here are the screens:




5 - Unlike the previous part of the guide, with the normal glow, Im not going through step by step what values I put and go wrong. And the glows also are not like eachother: If I put the fixed values of the normal glow here, it doesnt work like that.


First figuring what I want to change: put the glow a little higher and make it go over the entire blade.  So I have been tweaking for a while and here are my values + screen of the end result, together with the glow from the first part:




LineageEffect.c_u004		8.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	3.75000000


I also made another with blue augment glow, here the stuff:




LineageEffect.w_vari_b4_004_a		3.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	6.50000000


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I will keep making updates of this list, because Im still figuring out new glows, and I will also add screens.


000 = Two handed sword

001 = Fists

002 = Dagger

003 = Bow

004 = One handed Sword

005 = Blunt

006 = Ancient Sword

007 = Polearm / Staff

008 = Bow

009 = Crossbow

010 = Rapier


For hero glow:

_a = One handed Sword

_b = Two handed sword

_c = One handed fight blunt

_d = One handed mage blunt

_e = Two handed fight blunt

_f = Two handed mage blunt

_g = Dagger

_h = Fists

_i = Bow

_j = Dualsword

_k = Pole

_l = Rapier

_m = Ancient sword

_n = Crossbow


001 = Not sure if it is like orange. Needs testing.


The Basic Flame             LineageEffect.c_u000



Augment Blue Effect         LineageEffect.w_vari_b4_000_a



Augment Red Effect          LineageEffect.w_vari_r4_000_a



Hero weapon Glow            LineageEffect.e_u092_a



Akamanah weapon effect      LineageEffect.e_u540_aka_c



Akamanah weapon 2nd effect  LineageEffect.e_u540_manaf_c



Zariche Weapon Effect       LineageEffect.it_zariche_sword_c



Dark Heriosh Glow           LineageEffect.rm_self_blaster_body_b



Body Hero Glow              LineageEffect.e_u091_hero_a      OR      LineageEffect.e_u091_aura



Caravan Fire Glow          LineageEffect.e_u840_caravan


Credits to Dvtm


NEW*Energy Orb Glow            LineageEffect.br_e_u001_energy



NEW*Ice Fairy Glow              LineageEffect.bo_ice_fairy_co



NEW*Poison Flow Glow            LineageEffect.e_u327_fl



NEW*Purple Heriosh Glow        LineageEffect.bo_self_blaster_a






Infinity (Hero) Bow:







By LauQ



L2 File Edit

For Interlude



For Gracia part 2 and Final (CT2.2 and CT2.3)






Dev console utility





Credits to CriticalError

For first part of the guide and sharing the EnchantEditor utility


Credits to Corvine

For creating Test files


Credits to palentir

For Sharing the system with test files for Part 2


Credits to LauQ

For making this guide



I hope this topic with guide helps and that you will all become great L2 modders :) (unlike myself lol)



- LauQ


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ofc my friend awesome guide +1 from me for your hard work you do .. and i hope so many MOD sticky it keep working mate

Thank you for the karma mate :) and ye let's hope so...


I actually had some sort of idea to make this divided in 4 posts, and with links at the table of contents, but it didnt turn out very well cause I suck at this ^^

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The glow list is updated with screens and complete lists of the hero letters


I am still figuring out more glow effects, and I will post them there :)

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Added Video tutorial part 1 for Color editing.


The other parts (Glow positioning/scaling and special glow positioning/scaling) coming soon

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