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kalimera sas. exo sto mialo mou skopo na stiso enan server. vasika to skeutomai apo epoxi pou ipirxan oi eglobal bnb c3. ala tora pira tin apofasi. thelo kapies leptomeries apo esas kai fisika thelo apantiseis apo atoma pou gnorizoun kai oxi apo autous pou ipothetoun, tha protimousa apo atoma pou exoun kapio paradigma apo egires piges i tous sinevei kati. den thelo na mou dosete apantisi tou tipou "akoustike oti px o eglobal epathe auto "


lipon as mpo sto thema. pira apofasi na stiso ton server. ta rates tha einai xamila peripou sto x7 i grami tha einai polu kali i ram tha einai poly megalh.


exo mono ena provlima. ton fovo. eimai 100% sigouros oti thelo official pack.

thelo na me enimerosete ti kindinous exo apo tin ncsoft gia auto. ksero oti apagoreuete . thelo na mou pite piasane pote kanenan. ithelan na piasoun kai den ta kataferan kai giati den ta kataferan? sou erxete prota proidopoish na kliseis ton server h apla erxete to fbi sto spiti sou me tanks kai opla kai se pernei :P ?


ksero oti tha mou pite an exeis 10 atoma den sou kanei tipota. an ipothesoume oti ego kataferno me 1000 zoria kai exo 1500 2000 atoma. ti tha ginei? episis exo na kano ali mia erotisi. opos kserete poloi ta froutakia (magazi tixeron paixnidion) den anikoun ston idioktiti pou pernei to kerdos ala anikoun se papoudes i opoioi meta apo kapia ilikia den mporoun na fane opiadipote minisi kai den exoun sto onoma tous kanena perousiako stixio ara den tous agizoun. an to pc pou einai egatestimenos o server anikei se kapion tetion papou ti mpori na ginei? episis se kapies xores epitrepete to copyright ekei mpori na filoksenithei o server kai na min exo provlima? i prepei na einai internetika mono se autin tin xora?


an ipothesoume oti kataligoume sto apotelesma oti an anikso server exo 50% pithanotites na vretho ston koridalo tote den ton anigo kai tha anixo kapion pvp se java tote ti iparxei kati aksiopisto l2j to opio na antapokrinete kai na min exo ana 5 lepta bugs ktlp ktlp ka ta opia bugs na diorthono mono me patentes?


euxaristo oso gia to an ekana sosta to threed edo o protos logos einai oti eimai 100% sigouros gia oti thelo to official kai pano se auto thelo apantiseis.

2on thelo na mou apantisoun anthropoi pou asxolounte opote an to evaza kapou alou tha petagotan kathe skato tha elege to pisteuo tou. euxaristo polu perimeno ta sxolia sas.


Kalispera file, katarxas gia na ftiaxeis enan kalo server prepei na dia8eteis kapoies gnwseis px: An kaneis L2J server prepei na xereis apo Java fisika, enw ama kanei L2OFF prepei na dia8eteis gnwsis C++.


Oi L2Java servers einai arketa poio eukoloi sto stisimo tous apo ti tous L2OFF servers, parola auta kai oi Java kai oi OFF exoun pleonektimata kai



L2OFF server's.

+ Exeretika sta8eroi. Akoma kai mhnes xwris restart antexoun(Se kala xeria panta).

+ Mporoun na kratisoun polla atoma xwris Lag.

+ Xexwrista .dll(npc, comm, cache (i database), world, login servers)

+ Ola ta features teleia analogos me ti pack exeis. Skill effects, ktlp!


- Paranoma fisika efoson einai "klemena" apo tin NCSoft, kai iparxei i dinatotita 0.00000001% na se piasoun.

- To Developing tou server apaitei polles gnwseis(opws eipa parapano). Ta paramikra la8oi ston kodika parapempoun se "crashes"

i se alla perierga sfalmata.

- "Trwei" arketa poio poli resources apo ti enan l2jserver.

- Oi dimosies ekdoseis l2off server "aka" extenders einai entelos "skata" gia auto vasika i C4 features einai "opensource" .

- Den ginete ta L2OFF files na ta valeis se Linux(epeidi dn mporou na anoixoun ta arxeia .dll).

- Xriazesai toulaxiston 2 mixanimata(Ena gia to L2Server kai ena gia tin "Database" aka Cache opote prepei na xodepseis arketa lefta to mhna).


L2Java server's

+ Nomimoi.

+ Grigoro kai paragogiko development. uparxoun ola ta sources gia oti client(8eleis).

+ Most of features are working in public versions of l2j, let alone private versions that tend to be even more perfect.

+ Mporeis na tous trexeis se "Home" PC(Fantazomai exeis dei ti ginetai sto Private Server's Section).

+ Eukola prosarmozete.


- Ligotero Sta8eros(Alla an exeis dei i paixei stous L2Inc/L2Dreams/L2Zeus pou exoun panw apo 2k atoma 8a katalaveis)

- Den mporei na kratisei megalo ari8mo atomon alla me kapoies ri8miseis ola ginontai.

- Ta class einai unbalanced exaitias kapoion lan8asmemenon skills.

- Mporei na trexei se opoio OS 8eleis.


Apo edw mporeis na vgaleis ena simperasma, alla apo ti vlepw 8eleis L2OFF pack.

2 Axiopista kai kala site gia na agoraseis L2OFF pack's einai Oi la2guard.com aka nextDev.org i l2ds.org.


Ama 8es voi8eia se kati pou den sou elisa mporeis na rixeis ena mnm  :D


Regards, RobZombie.


EDIT: Gia na katalaveis to kostos enous kalou L2OFF einai peripou 500 Euro +- to pack, Ena kalo Developer peripou 200 Euro +- mina(Giati kaneis den 8a doulepsei gia "free", 250x2 Euro Gia ta 2 Mixanimata, tin istioselida 60 Euro +- xwris to design (Mono Domain kai Hosting), kai 200 Euro gia updates gia to pack (Auto den einai ipoxreotika ka8e mina analogos apo pou exeis parei to pack). Sinolo 1500 Euro Ton prwto mina ( Xwris diafimiseis ktlp)


Eno gia ena L2Java einai peripou 200 Euro +- Gia ena kalo mixanima, ena kalo Developer uparxoun atoma pou douleuoun kai tsampa kai kanoun kali douleia alla uparxoun kai alla pou douleuoun mono gia Euro, tin istioselida 60 euro +- xwris to design (Mono Domain kai Hosting).

Sinolo 250 Euro +- ( Xwris diafimiseis ktlp)


an exeis ipomoni kai skopo na katsis na asxolithis kai pareis to risko na aniksis L2OFF server tote ksekina L2OFF


alios ksekina ena l2j server p dn exei kanena risko, tha einai grigoros ala kathe tris kai ligo tha thelei beltiosei apo bugs


i epilogi einai diki s!


file RobZombie ilikrina se euxaristo para polu kai esena apo pano... :P kai osous apantisoun an apantisoun. sigekrimena ROBZOMBIE den pisteua oti xriazonte tosa xrimata. an kai exo kapia mikri gnosti c++ kai me patera programatisti arxizo kai vlepo ligo pio zesta to thema enos l2j pvp server. kai an pane ola kala anigo kai ton off. tora den xero an prepei na kano ena threed alou stin enotita tou l2j ala apo ti stigmi pou iparxei auto to threed pisteuo oti prepei na ginei edo. an kano kapio lathos mpori na svistei to post mou i kai to threed. tha ithela na mou protinete pio l2j pack pisteuete oti einai to kalitero auti tin stigmi to pio sinxrono xoris prostheta items thelo to pio aplo kai na exei diorthomena osa pio pola ginete, euxaristo!!!

  • 2 months later...

hmh ara to l2off einai 100% kalitero apo l2j!!!


ennoitai , alla tha riskares na ani3eis enan paranomo server? da3 yparxoun poloi k h ncsoft dn tous exei piasei


gia na ani3eis enan official k na ton kratiseis zwntano apaitei polu xrono ,ypoxrewseis k bebea lefta gia na ton synthreis , update ktlp.


o java pali ta xreiazetai auta alla einai k pio eukolo k oxi paranomo (wstoso exw akousei oti otan xrhsimopoieis "peiragmena" items , ginetai paranomos)

  • 3 weeks later...

re paidia dn se pianei h ncsoft ektos an se kanoun report px o L2 Gold einai sxedon 5 xrona anoixtos k exei off files k donate gamiseta k dn tous exou piasei...

i NCSoft mporei na se piasei an exeis OFF server an kai mono an to host center s einai ektos EU! oli oi OFF server exoun host center se EU, osoi einai se ala center opos Ameriki iparxei prob.


oson afora gia to donate dn ksero kai polla kai exo mperdeuti ligaki me to ti ginete sto donate kai se OFF kai Java server

  • 3 weeks later...

L2Off είναι εγγύηση.Έχεις όμως τα κότσια να τον ανοίξεις; (συμπεριλαμβανομένων όλων των προλαλισάντων)



  • 4 weeks later...

pistevw kalitera l2off exeis to kefali sou isixo me ta bugs wstoso mporeis na zitiseis etairia stiriksi xwrigo dld gia na se xrimatodwtei opws o elixir

  • 5 weeks later...

l2off=bugs fixed=balanced srvr

l2j=full bugs=unbalanced srvr

s kalipsa?



iparxoune kala guids p mporis n dis...

gamiseta esi ise terma akiros

  • 3 weeks later...

egw lew l2off kata poli anoteros pisteuw gt ta panta einai fix ektos apo merika mikrobug p fix eukola opote balanced chars ....

enw l2j = polla bugs = unbalanced chars ...

egw 8a aniga l2off pantos ....


An o server einai Interlude/ Hellbound, tote L2Off.


An o server einai Gracia Epilogue (genika skopevei na yposthrizei ton teleftaio client) tote L2J.


O L2J:

Einai paranomos sthn amerikh kathos einai oloi oi emulator paranomoi ekei (akoma kai gia to game boy). Ara ena mhxanhma germania px, einai oti prepei.

Mporei na yposthriksei panw apo 3000 paiktes sxetika efkola.

Mporei na yposthriksei panw apo 3000 paiktes me restart to poly kathe 2 hmeres.

Mathenontas Java kai milame gia pragmatiki Java, oxi edit se merika xml, tote mporeis na kaneis papades giati einai open source.


Den nomizw pws me L2Off tha exeis nomika provlhmata. Vlepeis o monos tropos na se kleisoun einai karfoth gia mavra lefta, dhladh na mhn plhrwneis forous apo ta donation pou perneis. Pragma dyskolo.


O L2Off den thelei kotsia, thelei gnwseis, opws kai o L2J.

OLOI mporoun na anoiksoun enan server, elaxistoi katafernoun na antimetopisoun ta provlhmata poy emfanizontai.

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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