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[Request] C4|C5|C6|HB|Gracia 1&2

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Ty guys nice servers, but i have some problems :P .

In l2usa i can't download patch

L2 dust isn't even opened yet (...)

And ok extrme i had played before but i got bored.


So any other server you know like i said before ???

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No donation

No custom

10x Server retail-like




Yeah, that's a nice server, but i asked for PVP, see my first post Ty.If i wanted to play low rate I would play ofc in L2dex...


So anyone know a Off,pvp server ?

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but has custom armor/weps... it don't make u soo imba, but give a bit stats try it

Well, site don't work.Fix it plz, Ty.


Edit: [glow=red,2,300]Ok now is correct, but it seems that the site is down, anyother server? post here ty.[/glow]

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