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[GUIDE]How to make the texture of your weapon move.Video tutorial, Pictures.SbS.

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Hahah looks excellent mate, i will ask a mod, the rest is up to them (but if it was my choise i would give you karma, this is an awesom share)

thanks man. and now i am uploading on youtube a video tutorial:) for everyone to do it easier

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tutorial video added. look at the end of the guide

All i can say is nothing...This share is awesome and i thin that some1 should give u smth but none did...So I will...+1 karma from me for this awesome share/guide which includes videos+pictures and makes the client modding completely easy...Some1 sticky it pls!!G/J mate

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All i can say is nothing...This share is awesome and i thin that some1 should give u smth but none did...So I will...+1 karma from me for this awesome share/guide which includes videos+pictures and makes the client modding completely easy...Some1 sticky it pls!!G/J mate

thanks for the karma man you are the best:) i don't know if any moderator have seen this, and i don't know if he see it will he sticky it:) But i hope so.

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thanks for the karma man you are the best:) i don't know if any moderator have seen this, and i don't know if he see it will he sticky it:) But i hope so.

Np..It was the least i could...thx for sharing again :D

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Hi all. Today i am going to teach you how to make the texture of your weapon move. To make it simpler, i am going to teach you


how to add textures like in demonic weapons. :)


Pictures download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/115726032/da819581/Pictures.html


                                    [glow=red,2,300]1.Download Programs[/glow]


First you have to download these programs: http://www.4shared.com/file/112914148/66d36dca/Programs.html (UTPT,


UnrealEngine2, L2UtxFixer). Extract the folder somewhere, and install unreal.


                                    [glow=red,2,300]2.Make LineageWeaponsTex-fixed.utx file.[/glow]


2.Now go to (your client folder)\systextures\ and find the file LineageWeaponsTex.utx. asd.gif Make a copy of this where ever you want,


and one in the Programs folder you downloaded before. 2.gif Open L2utxfixer and press Load UTX File, and select the


LineageWeaponsTex.utx 3.gif . Then a window will apear. Press OK 4.gif. In the folder a file called: LineageWeaponsTex.utx-fixed created


right? 5.gif :P


                                    [glow=red,2,300]3.Make the weapon you want tga with UTPT.[/glow]


Open UTPT and go to file>options>extracting 6.gif7.gif and select there the place you want the tgas to extract 8.gif. Then press open


and open LineageWeaponsTex-fixed.utx9.gif. Here we can choose what weapon we want. Let's take an example i want imperial shield.


I find in the list where is the shield10.gif, find its texture under it 11.gif and press right click at the texture>extract as>


First Mip Map TGA 12.gif. Now in the file you choose before (in options>extracting), you will have you shield's texture as tga 13.gif.


Open it with photoshop 14.gif.


                                    [glow=red,2,300]4.Make tga ready for unreal with photoshop.[/glow]


Now in photoshop, select the magic wand tool 15.gif and click near the imperial shield (NOT IN IT!!!) 16.gif. Then you select the brush


tool, with color black 17.gif and you draw the place you made with magic wand tool 18.gif. When you draw it, you select again magic


wand tool and click at the rest of the shield that you didn't draw, and draw it.19.gif (NOT IN THE SHIELD NEAR IT!!!). Then select again


the magic wand tool and click near the shield. It must have placed all of the gray place now with magic wand tool. 20.gif


Ok don't close the place we made with magic wand tool and go to the small windows on the right side of the screen


and go to channels and click alpha 1 21.gif. Then in alpha 1 you must see the place with magic wand tool. Draw it with black. 22.gif


Now at the left side of the screen press File>SaveAs 23.gif and add the name "ALPHA" as tga save it 24.gif.


Don't close photoshop yet. Now at chanels small window press at the RGB, and then at the top of the screen, press


Image>Adjustments>Desaturate 25.gif. Press File>SaveAs with name "BETA" as tga 26.gif.


(here do the same thing with every kind of weapon)


We have one more thing with photoshop. Press File>New with name Untitled - 1 and preset Custom. Width:512 pixels


Height: 512 pixels, Resolution: 72 pixels/inch, color mode: RGBColor 8bits and background contents:White. Create it. 27.gif.


Ok now here you can draw the texture that you want to move. Or you can open it as another file, place the whole picture


with Rectangular Marquee Tool, press ctrl+c 28.gif and ctrl+v 29.gif at the file you created. Here is one nice texture:


http://www.imageshack.gr/view.php?file=zy7na3q5ace2ej05ret9.gif  If you like it press right click on it


and save image as and save it. Then open it with photoshop and place it with Rectangular Marquee Tool and ctrl+c and


ctrl+v at the file you created (Pic 28,29). Press File>SaveAs and add name texture, as tga 30.gif. HeHe We finished with photoshop :P .


                                      [glow=red,2,300]5.Make the utx file with unreal.[/glow]


Now open unrealed and it will open two windows. The small one make it to be big 31.gif. Press File>Import 32.gif and select


all the file that we made with photo shop.(ALPHA,BETA,TEXTURE). Press open 33.gif. Then here where it says Package


enter name:custom, where it says group enter name:texture and don't change the name. Compression:DXT3


(THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT). Press OKALL 34.gif. Now at the top of the left press file>new 35.gif


and add name animation. At materialclass select TexPanner and press new 36.gif. It will make a window TexPanner Properties. Move it at the


right side 37.gif and press one left click at the texture you want to move 38.gif. (it must be in the window if you imported it).


Now bring back the window with the propeties and press one left click where it says Material, and press use.


Now you can see the texture moving right there. If you want to make it move faster add more time at PanRate 39.gif.


When you add your time close the propeties. Ok now press File>New and add name bythelasthero and press new 40.gif.


Now make one left click at the texture ALPHA you imported and make one click at the propeties at Diffuse


and press use 41.gif. Now make another click at Opacity Use42.gif. Now make one left click at the texture we made that moves


(texpanner), the texpanner(with the name animation) 43.gif. Click at propeties the Specular and press use 44.gif. Now make one left


click at the texture BETA 45.gif and click at propeties SpecularityMask and press use 46.gif. Now at outputblending


add OB_MASKED and at twosided true 47.gif. Close the propeties. Press File>Save and save it to C:\ with name custom 48.gif.


                                      [glow=red,2,300]6.Encrypt the file.[/glow]


Now download this encrypt folder: http://www.4shared.com/file/113001708/8df45782/encrypt_folder.html and extract it somewhere.


Place the custom.utx that we created with unreal at C:\ at encrypt folder 49.gif. Run encrypt custom.utx.


Now it created us a file enc-custom.utx50.gif. Delete the official custom.utx from the file and rename enc-custom.utx to




                        [glow=red,2,300]7.Put the file to your client and add the texture with fileedit.[/glow]


Now copy the custom.utx and paste it at (your client folder)\systextures53.gif. Then download the file edit here:


http://www.4shared.com/file/113002282/b1865991/_2__L2_FileEdit65.html and open it and go to


(your client folder)\system\ and open weapongrp.dat54.gif. There search for the weapon you edited, for example i search


for imperial shield, my id is 6678 55.gif, i don't know yours you must find it. Now in the line that your weapon is find


where it says LineageWeaponsTex.imperial_shield or whatever it says(but it must say first LineageWeaponsTex.)


and replace it with custom.texture.bythelasthero56.gif. Now press save&encrypt and save it as version 413. 57.gif


                                                [glow=red,2,300]8.How to play.[/glow]


Open or restart your server and open l2.exe. Add your account and log in with your char.


Press //itemcreate and add the id of your item. :P :P :P :P :P :P . XaXaXa.


                                            [glow=red,2,300]Have Fun!!![/glow]


This guide is created by me and not c/p.


[glow=red,2,300]Pictures added.[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]Results video added.[/glow]



[glow=red,2,300]Tutorial video added.[/glow]


nice share ty man i hope this is for all clients??

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    • Well my friend, I'm not going to stay here arguing anymore, because you won't give up and much less have the humility to accept something you did wrong, as you saw, I value the work of others, I know who really creates or even takes a block of code and does something better and different, but the subject here was about a guy, nicknamed Vraekar, who steals and SELLS interfaces as if they were his, and is that within your beliefs?, belief that if the guy creates something it has to be stolen and whoever stole it can profit from it?, that's what I'm talking about, you've fought a lot against this, and today you help a guy like that to do wrong, but anyway, you know what you're doing, I hope you reflect, the community knows who does and who helps the wrong. Stay with God, because six of the problems that go around.
    • You claim you thought I was a "serious" person before. Well, maybe you just never took the time to actually know me. People evolve, but I stay true to what I do and believe in. If you’re that hung up on what I’ve been doing, maybe it's time to stop speculating and start focusing on yourself. 🙂
    • Well, at least it's clear that you don't respect the work of others. Secondly, everyone knows that you code nothing. Your group has devs. known that you've asked for a lot of help and code exchange with some well-known BRs. there are chats and I can prove it, then don't come playing the good guy because you're not. So, Celestine, I'm not judging you. I'm saying that I know that your group helped vraekar steal the codes, and I have proof. In the past, I thought you were a serious, good-natured guy, but lately, you're a different person. Your text above speaks for you.
    • What I do or who I work with is none of your concern, and honestly, I couldn't care less. Lately, I've seen a lot of people trying to make a quick buck off scams, so let's not even mention names you wouldn't want them getting upset, right? 🙂  As for the projects I've been involved with, there's a server about to launch that I’m personally waiting for, and when it does, I’ll release the work publicly for free because people deserve better than what these so called "developers" are pushing. I’m not here to defend anyone, but if you had any real knowledge, you’d see how poorly written some of these scripts are. I’ve worked with Vraekar in the past, and I know for a fact he’s never sold anything I’ve created. So before you start running your mouth, ask yourself: why are you even juding me?
    • I didn't even want to touch on your name Celestine, but it took a while to want to protect it, right? But then I say, everyone knows that you and your group helped Vraekar in deobfuscating the interfaces, do you want me to post here the dates and videos of the releases of the OMG and Silence interfaces?, and then see Vraekar's?, do you want?, a blatant copy, even their variable names, the theft is blatant, and you who are an admin here at Max and say you are the right one, helped him decrypt and remove the code obfuscation, everyone knows that, and now you come and tell me that his code is not copied?, if you want I can put all the evidence here and this will be very ugly even for you, since those you helped Vraekar and the interface dev community know this, they know about the thefts, very ugly indeed my friend that you still come and tell such a lie.   ps. And just one more thing, did you say that all the code he wrote? you became a joker? Vraekar doesn't program a single line of code, the guy works as a data analyst, what he learned was to copy and paste ready-made codes, but he doesn't write a single line of code.
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