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[SHARE]Heart Skill with Cupid's Bow

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thanks to my pal jojo_







<skill id="3260" levels="1" name="Heart Shot">
      Gathers up your love and throws a heart at the huge pig.
  <table name="#hotValue"> 35 </table>
  <table name="#mpConsume"> 1 </table>
  <table name="#power"> 472 </table>
  <set name="weaponsAllowed" val="32"/>
  <set name="skillTime" val="1250"/>
  <set name="mpConsume" val="#mpConsume"/>
  <set name="power" val="#power"/>
  <set name="reuseDelay" val="100"/>
  <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE"/>
  <set name="skillType" val="HEAL"/>
  <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
  <set name="castRange" val="750"/>
   <effect count="15" name="HealOverTime" time="1" val="#hotValue" stackOrder="#hotValue" stackType="LifeForce"/>
<skill id="3261" levels="1" name="Heart Shot">
      Gathers up your love and throws a heart to the target. Warning: If you send love to a monster, you may be attacked from all sides.
  <table name="#mpConsume"> 1 </table>
  <table name="#power"> 180.0 </table>
  <set name="weaponsAllowed" val="32"/>
  <set name="skillTime" val="1250"/>
  <set name="mpConsume" val="#mpConsume"/>
  <set name="power" val="#power"/>
  <set name="reuseDelay" val="100"/>
  <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE"/>
  <set name="skillType" val="MANARECHARGE"/>
  <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
  <set name="castRange" val="750"/>
<skill id="3262" levels="1" name="Double Heart Shot">
      Gathers up your love and throws two hearts at the huge pig. There is a low chance that the huge pig will transform into either a golden pig or a super huge pig.
  <table name="#hotValue"> 70 </table>
  <table name="#pDef"> 1.3 </table>
  <table name="#mDef"> 1.35 </table>
  <table name="#mpConsume"> 1 </table>
  <table name="#power"> 944 </table>
  <set name="weaponsAllowed" val="32"/>
  <set name="skillTime" val="2500"/>
  <set name="mpConsume" val="#mpConsume"/>
  <set name="power" val="#power"/>
  <set name="reuseDelay" val="200"/>
  <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE"/>
  <set name="skillType" val="HEAL"/>
  <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
  <set name="castRange" val="750"/>
   <effect count="15" name="HealOverTime" time="1" val="#hotValue" stackOrder="#hotValue" stackType="LifeForce"/>
     <div order="0x30" stat="pDef" val="#pDef"/>
     <div order="0x30" stat="mDef" val="#mDef"/>



for more fun use this bow :9140 or 9141 (it's the same :P)

First skill it's for healing second mp heal a 3rd buff Mdef and Pdef

and remenber it's only a custom :P

(ps: i don't know how to make it only usable by cupid's bow ^^) <now it's good^^>

[Have Fun]

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