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L2PHX v3.5.33.164 TUTORIAL ! June 13th - 2010 UPDATE! ****

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright bois, ill give a tip to you all, who'se server wont be intercepted from the bypasses here, fx. by servers like TNS(Tenshi no sekai) fx. TNS use the processname for their l2.exe as "Plugin-container.exe", now to intercept it write "plugin-container.exe;" in the l2.bin/exe place in l2phb/x, happy hacking.


". Now you will need to modify the packet in order to get the ++ stuff, so go into the

converter and copy the 6th and 7th numbers in the packet in to the

"Hex" window and follow the instructions in the pic:" can anyone explain that to me in Polish?

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