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This tutorial should solve the following common errors:


If you get one of the following errors, please follow step 1 till 3 of the instructions below


Version Check Failed

o [bNET] Version check failed!

[bNET] BNLS has not been updated yet, or you experienced an error. Try connecting again.

Bad Product Version

[bNLS] Error! Bad product version.


If you already followed all steps and you get one of the following BNLS errors, please follow only step 3 and try a different BNLS server:


BNLS Error 10022 (not the run-time error)

o [bNLS] Error 10022: Socket not bound, invalid address or listen is not invoked prior to accept

BNLS Error 10053/10054

o [bNLS] Error 10053: Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure

[bNLS] The BNLS server has terminated your connection.

o [bNLS] Error 10054: The connection is reset by remote side

[bNLS] The BNLS server has terminated your connection.

BNLS Error 10060/10061/10065

o [bNLS] Error 10060: The attempt to connect timed out

[bNLS] The server took too long to respond to your computer. The BNLS server appears to be unreachable at this time.

o [bNLS] Error 10061: Connection is forcefully rejected

[bNLS] The server you're connecting to is currently down. The BNLS server appears to be down at this time. Please keep trying, or wait an hour or so and try again.

o [bNLS] Error 10065: No route to host.

BNLS Error 11001/11004

o [bNLS] Error 11001: Authoritative answer: Host not found

[bNLS] Your computer is unable to contact the BNLS servers.

o [bNLS] Error 11004: Valid name, no data record of requested type

[bNLS] Your computer is unable to contact the BNLS servers.

Version disabled (mostly stuck at "[bNET] Checking version...")

o This version of StealthBot has been disabled.

Please visit http://www.stealthbot.net for more information and to download an updated version.

If you are receiving this message in error, please check your firewall settings, especially programs such as Norton Internet Security. NIS is notorious for blocking the connection to the BNLS server.


To update your bot please take the following steps:


Step 1) Download the proper EXE for the product you are going to use the bot for. Make sure the bot is closed when doing this step.

StarCraft and WarCraft 2: StealthBot v2.6R3.exe (Updated: November 25th 2008)

Diablo II and WarCraft III: StealthBot v2.6R3.exe (Updated: March 19th 2009)


Replace your old StealthBot's EXE with this new one. (Your old StealthBot EXE can be found in your StealthBot folder.)


Step 2) Remove ANY lines in your configuration file that have 'VerByte' in it.

Settings > Edit Files... > Config


Type in VerByte and hit enter, if its found delete it, repeat until none are found.

If you do not find any VerByte lines, just ignore this step.


Step 3) Open your config file by clicking Settings -> Edit File -> Config. Find the line [Main] and under it put:



If jbls.org doesn't work for you -- especially if you get one of the above-mentioned BNLS errors --, you can try one of the following servers as well:





More servers are listed in the JBLS server list.




In order to make this work, you must have selected "BNLS - Battle.net Logon Server" in your Advanced Connection Settings and not "ADVANCED - Local hashing". It should be set to BNLS by default though.

If you are using Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or any other operating system that uses the User Account Control (UAC) system, and are having trouble finding your config file or if it appears empty to you, this tutorial might help you: Microsoft Windows Vista UAC.

For Starcraft read also the following news topic: Starcraft on Bots.


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