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[L2j IL]L2 Pertis[REOPENED]


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Really good server... Interlude without Customs !  Also everyday there is some event ...

Farming isnt hard... Admin is online everyday listening to players and fixing bugs.  

When u join play 1 hour and u'll like it for sure :)   U must xD

Hope u all who like Interlude without customs will join because its balanced server...

Does any of your 1000 bugs that u know , work in the server,Mr MoonGoat??Becouse I trust your huge "Bug Knowledge", master!

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I don't share anything i know... But i have to be honest i didnt even cheked bugs on this server.. because i was farming... Only thing was wrong for now i know is That Tattoo and its removed...

I see what you are trying but i don't care... I know for me not for you and others !

For me this server is fine.. We'll see in future :P

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I got your point... But im sorry for u and others who get pissed of when they don't belive me that i know bug :P 


And as i said i really dont want to share anything special like this here... or to prove something... I like when you guys say  " I dont know that bug "  Its ++ for me :)

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