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[Request] interlude-.-

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hey yo guys, tired of searching .....


there isnt any server  with custom weapons (halisha ladys fan e.t.c ) (gold weapons) and one custom armor (balanced).....


i dont care about exp-.- , only interlude J or OFF,


w8ing for ur replies .

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Believe me its the best thing you can ever find there is no custom armor but everything is damn balanced and its a lot of fun tho we dont have a lot of ppl but if you join we will be +1 and you know that big things come in small packages ^^.

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Believe me its the best thing you can ever find there is no custom armor but everything is damn balanced and its a lot of fun tho we dont have a lot of ppl but if you join we will be +1 and you know that big things come in small packages ^^.


i can`t log dunno the reason



the reply is l2.hopzone.net ;) you will find there lots of this servers that your looking for  :P


dont think there is any server with these features in hopzone (i saw .......and if there is one with these features , i bet 10 ppls on -.- xD

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l2j srv

no custom items only wings on one of the 4 srvs and dynasty amors and weapons

custom spot for xp, farm and pvp

rb spots

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What do you mean you can't log?


i mean i can`t log in...........




l2j srv

no custom items only wings on one of the 4 srvs and dynasty amors and weapons

custom spot for xp, farm and pvp

rb spots


heheheh that was joke right ? mafia sux except the corrupts the classes is unbalanced

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i mean i can`t log in...........


heheheh that was joke right ? mafia sux except the corrupts the classes is unbalanced

man mafia has got 2k people every day shared in 4 servers


and what you means unbalanced??? and the bishop yet plays his role if you can tell me what you mean unbalanced

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man mafia has got 2k people every day shared in 4 servers


and what you means unbalanced??? and the bishop yet plays his role if you can tell me what you mean unbalanced


ye i can , a BD can`t kill a dagger , a dagger can pwn archer , archer pwn all other classes , understand ? (example)



about the 2k ppl ... i dont think so , there is 1k and i tell too much .<

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l2j srv

no custom items only  dynasty amors and weapons

lool ? Dynasty on an Interlude server is costum!

And yeah its unballanced (Archers ftw lol), and the NPC buffers are exacly like the kvn.Omg Gms are so lazy that didm't made a new buffer for the server.When u have about 50 buff slots of course the server will be unballance with ALL the risist buffs!!

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lool ? Dynasty on an Interlude server is costum!

And yeah its unballanced (Archers ftw lol), and the NPC buffers are exacly like the kvn.Omg Gms are so lazy that didm't made a new buffer for the server.When u have about 50 buff slots of course the server will be unballance with ALL the risist buffs!!

guyz try to play and then make opinion don't say whatever the other say try the server and stop the sh1ts


gm's aren't so lazy as you say

in every interlude server there is dyna now so isn't so custom as you think it

the most of servers now are pvp so they have many buff slots

about archer pownz?? lol if you don't know how to play mage or dagger or every other class then they pownz i have sps and i kill all the server so archer pownz?? i don't think so

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i can`t log dunno the reason



The patch is updated :) If you were getting the game guard error , it's fixed .



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