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tb1d.jpgSELECTION TOOL - Used to (you guessed it!) select objects. Selecting objects in the 2D (grid) views can be difficult when you have several objects overlapping.


tb2g.jpgZOOM TOOL - Used to zoom in on the 2D views for easier editing. Left-click zooms in; right-click zooms out. The mouse wheel or the + and - buttons can be used to zoom by a small amount. The current zoom level is displayed on one of Hammer's bottom toolbars.


tb3c.jpgCAMERA TOOL - Used to move around in the 3D view. Click and hold in the 3D view, then use W, A, S, and D to move forward, left, back, and right. If you want to see your map from two points at once, you can click in the 2D views with the Camera Tool to create a new camera, and you can cycle among your cameras with PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN.


tb4z.jpgENTITY PLACEMENT TOOL - Used to place point-entities, like spawn points and lights. Click in a 2D view to create a green crosshair, drag it to the point where you want to place an entity, and press ENTER. (You can also click in the 3D view to place an entity at the point you click.) The entity you place can be controlled by this toolbar.


tb5s.jpgBLOCK TOOL / BRUSH TOOL - Used to place blocks. Click and drag an outline of the block in the 2D views, then press ENTER to place the block. The texture applied to the block is controlled by this toolbar, but can later be changed with the Texture Application Tool.



tb6m.jpgTEXTURE APPLICATION TOOL / FACE EDIT SHEET - Used to control how textures are applied to faces. The Hammer help file has a tutorial about this tool. In a nutshell, left-clicking a texture finds its values, and right-clicking applies the values you've chosen.


tb7.jpg APPLY CURRENT TEXTURE BUTTON If you have a block selected and want to quickly apply a texture to it, press this button. The texture you've currently chosen in the Texture Browser will be applied to it.


tb8z.jpgDECAL APPLICATION TOOL - Used to apply decals--bullet holes, graffiti, blood, etc. Just choose a decal in the Texture Browser and click in the 3D view. The textures in decals/ are intended to be used as decals, but any texture can be used.

tb10.jpgCLIP TOOL - Used to clip part of a block off, or to split a block into pieces. Select a block (or even multiple blocks), click this button, then click-and-drag a line across the selection--what's white will stay, and what's red will be deleted. (You can click the button again at this point to control which part of the selection will be deleted.) Press ENTER to cut the selected block


tb11.jpgVERTEX MANIPULATION TOOL - Used to move and modify the individual vertices of brushes. A very powerful tool for making elaborate brushwork, but also very dangerous. It's easy to make an invalid brush this way.


These are all the tools in valve hammer editor


More things coming! ;)


Source: www.editlife.net



//edit For some reason i cant see the pics of the tools. Plz post and tell me if you can. Ty

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