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[GR]Paidia opws grafw kai sto title m exw ena prob.smr apo periergia evgala to cpu cooler.ALLA meta dn eiksera pws na to ksanavalw etsi pws itan.kserw lathos m pou to ekana alla dn kserw ithela. :) tr to prob m einai to eksis:dn mporw na to valw etsi akrivws pws itan.einai to ergostasiako cooler.ekana apo edw apo ekei kai tpt.pedeuomoun 2 wres alla tpt to -beep-.ektos aftou emena dn tha me peiraze tpt.alla eida kai ena allo stat to opoio allakse meta tin metatropi m.i thermokrasia apo 30C vathmous pige stous 64C.exw arxisei na fovamai na sas pw tin alitheia.to cooler einai

auto new_cooler.jpg.plz ama einai grafete m perigrafika ti prepei na kanw gia na to epanaferw.



Hello dudes!!As i write and to my tittle i have a problem.today from odd as i cleang the tower of my pc i made the cooler of cpu.BUT after i didn't know how to back so it was.i know my fault to do this byt i don't know i want.now my problem is :I can not put it exactly how it was.is the cooler from the factory.i do this after thsi but nothing.i was trying two hours but nothing happened.it is not care me that the cooler was wrong because i wasn't show the cooler.but i show a big change.the temperature from cpu before was 30c (102F) and now it is about 64c(125F).i was scared.the cooler is this new_cooler.jpg.plz if anyone knows anything about this staff tell me descriptive what i must do to restore it.

                                                                      PLZ HELP IT MAY EXPLODE xD


[GR] Καλύτερα να το πας σε μαγαζί να στο βάλουν....Μην κάνεις άλλη χαζομάρα ! (Για να μην πω τίποτα άλλο ! :))


[GR] Καλύτερα να το πας σε μαγαζί να στο βάλουν....Μην κάνεις άλλη χαζομάρα ! (Για να μην πω τίποτα άλλο ! :))

alla ama paw ekei ektos tou oti tha plirwsw parapanw autoi tha me piasoun kotso kai tha m poun espase ekragike kati tha m poun kai ase pou tha thelw kamia akrivi pou tha m poun kai me asta.kalitera monos m na mathw kai tpt.vevaia ama dw oti svinei to pc apo uperthermansi efiga...:)

Loipon, anamesa sto CPU kai to Fan ypirxe mia 8ermoagwgiki pasta, poy pi8anotata otan to ebgales efyge kai exei meinei poly ligi, ki etc i 8ermokrasia apo metalo se metalo de metaferetai eykola kai psinete to CPU, prepei na breis 8ermoagwgiki pasta kai na baleis stin epifaneia toy Fan kai meta na to ksanabaleis sti 8esi toy...


eida kai exw akousei gia autin tin pasta alla dn m perase apo to mialo oti mporei na efige.ontos exeis dikio.tha tokitaksw kai thapsaksw m fainete gia kanena new fan.


Me liga logia tin ekana tin mlkia m kai dn simazeuete!!epipleon eida kai ta rpm tis cpu apo ta 2.2k pigan sta 1.7k.ara opou nanai na perimenw na akousw kanena mpam eee??tespa mlkia m alla ematha toulaxiston.paw na valw crest pou einai kali pasta kai eimai ok xD


re paidia sr gia to double post pou fainete alla dn einai tecpa.thelw na kanw mia erwtisi.

apo ola auta kai pou anaferoume parapanw, otan i cpu dn aerizete kala tote ti epiptoseis mporw na exw i ti provlima mporw na exw.did tr pou milame kanonika paizw kai l2 ktl.apla i thermokrasia apo oti vlepw ntaks anevike ligo parapanw apo to orio.exei paei mexri kai 99C vathmous.ti sinepeies mporei na exei sto pc m.ektos apo na kanei i cpu gt tin prolavenei to systima kleinontas mono tou.

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