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There some scripts i found,if any of them is re-posted i'm sorry




// Script

alias +crouchnshoot "+duck;+attack"

alias -crouchnshoot "-duck;-attack"



alias crouchnshootact "bind mouse1 +crouchnshoot; bind END crouchnshootdeact"

alias crouchnshootdeact "bind mouse1 +attack; bind END crouchnshootact"



Bind "END" "crouchnshootact"


A buy Script one


Bind "kp_ins" "ak47; m4a1; deagle; primammo; secammo; defuser; vest; vesthelm; hegren; flash; flash

bind "kp_end" "scout; deagle; primammo; secammo; defuser; vest; vesthelm; hegren; flash; flash

bind "kp_downarrow" "awp; deagle; primammo; secammo; defuser; vest; vesthelm; hegren; flash; flash

bind "kp_pgdn" "mp5; deagle; primammo; secammo; defuser; vest; vesthelm; hegren; flash; flash

bind "kp_leftarrow" "m3; elites; fiveseven; primammo; secammo; defuser; vest; vesthelm; hegren; flash; flash

bind "kp_5" "mx1014; deagle; primammo; secammo; defuser; vest; vesthelm; hegren; flash; flash

bind "kp_rightarrow" "deagle; secammo; defuser; vest; vesthelm; hegren; flash; flash


echo "     //******BUY SCRIPT******\\"

echo "SaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaiN"

echo "//KEYPAD[0]:AK47/M4A1 + Deagle + Primary Ammo + Secondary Ammo + Armor + Defuse Kit + HE Grenade + 2 Flashes"

echo "//KEYPAD[1]:Scout + Deagle + Primary Ammo + Secondary Ammo + Armor + Defuse Kit + HE Grenade + 2 Flashes"

echo "//KEYPAD[2]:AWP + Deagle + Primary Ammo + Secondary Ammo + Armor + Defuse Kit + HE Grenade + 2 Flashes"

echo "//KEYPAD[3]:MP5 + Deagle + Primary Ammo + Secondary Ammo + Armor + Defuse Kit + HE Grenade + 2 Flashes"

echo "//KEYPAD[4]:Pump Shotgun + Elites + Primary Ammo + Secondary Ammo + Armor + Defuse Kit + HE Grenade + 2 Flashes"

echo "//KEYPAD[5]:Auto Shotgun + Deagle + Primary Ammo + Secondary Ammo + Armor + Defuse Kit + HE Grenade + 2 Flashes"

echo "//KEYPAD[6]:Deagle + Primary Ammo + Secondary Ammo + Armor + Defuse Kit + HE Grenade + 2 Flashes"

echo ""

echo "-------------------------"



echo "  HAVE FUN!"

echo "------------------------


Credits To me xD


Showscores+HandSwitch+Nolag Up



alias +hand "+showscores"

alias -hand "-showscores;HAND_HERE;rate 25000;fps_max 101;cl_updaterate 20"


alias left "cl_righthand 0"

alias right "cl_righthand 1"

alias HAND_HERE "echo You forgot to select the hand !"


bind tab +hand


echo Improoved showscores activated.


Credits To: CaNceR3D




bind "space" "+bduck"


alias +bduck "alias _special @bduck;@bduck"

alias -bduck  "alias _special;-duck"

alias @bduck "special;wait;+jump;wait;+duck;-jump"


echo Bduck loaded.


Credits To:CaNceR3D


Autoshoot With Pistols

Alias +aps "alias _special @aps;@aps"

alias -aps "alias _special"

alias @aps "special;wait;+attack;wait;-attack"



bind mouse1 "+aps"


Credits to: mixa205


Reload Cancel & Alert


// reload

alias reload_s "reload_on"

alias reload_c "reloadc_off"

alias echo_on "motdfile echo.txt; cl_showfps 0"

alias echo_off "developer 1; motd; developer 0; motdfile motd.txt"

alias reload_on "bind r +reloading; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Alert when reloading: ON]; echo_off; alias reload_s reload_off"

alias reload_off "bind r +reloadd; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Alert when reloading: OFF]; echo_off; alias reload_s reload_on"

alias +reloading " +reload; coverme; say_team Cover me! I`m reloading!..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG; echo [CBW]Reloading"

alias -reloading " -reload"

alias +reloadingc " +reload; binder; coverme; say_team Cover me! I`m reloading!..::[CBW]::.. - Auto MSG; echo [CBW]Reloading"

alias -reloadingc " -reload"

alias +reloadd "+reload; echo ..::[CBW]::..Reloading"

alias -reloadd "-reload"

alias +reloaddc "+reload; binder; echo ..::[CBW]::..Reloading"

alias -reloaddc "-reload"

alias reload_onc "bind r +reloadingc; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[R.C.][Alert when reloading: ON]; echo_off; alias reload_s reload_offc"

alias reload_offc "bind r +reloaddc; echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[R.C.][Alert when reloading: OFF]; echo_off; alias reload_s reload_onc"

alias reloadc_on "echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Reload cancling: ON]; echo_off; alias reload_c reloadc_off; alias reload_s reload_offc"

alias reloadc_off "echo_on; motd_write ..::[CBW]::..[Reload cancling: OFF]; echo_off; alias reload_c reloadc_on; alias reload_s reload_on"

alias recanc "lastinv; lastinv; bind mouse1 +attack"

alias binder "bind MOUSE1 recanc"


bind "F5 "reload_c"

bind "F6 "reload_s"


Info:Reload cancel

Reload alert


If u have to fast atack someone and u are in reload(by pressing R) u can cancel reload with MOUSE1 and press MOUSE1 again to atack. You can Turn ON or OFF the script and if this script is ON or OFF u can set team alert ON and OFF (Cover me[Radio], Cover me, i am reloading[say_team])


F5 is to turn ON or OFF reload cancling

F6 is to turn ON or OFF Reloading alert



To have this script just copy this in ur userconfig.cfg.



This script cant be cobinated with my CBW config.


Credits To:worxer1


Laser Script


The bind!

bind "mouse3" "+hash;wait;echoclick"


//The alias!

alias +hash "alias _special @hash;@hash"

alias -hash  "alias _special"

alias @hash "special;wait;wait;+setlaser;wait;wait;wait;wait;+setlaser"

alias echoclick "echo Planted the maximum ammount of mines that can be planted !"


//The Echo!

echo "Multilaser Loaded succesfully !"

echo "Created by HasH"

echo "Now JUST press middle click and you will plant more mines !"


Credits To:Canc3red




PS1: I Will Add More Scripts Soon xD

PS2:i haven't tried them

  • 10 months later...

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