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I think that Cardinal without Buffs is great..You can do by yourselfe buffs and if you have got one good augment at your weapon at Oly you are the best..:P


Hmm if its self buff OverLord and Tyrants . They have good stats without buffs and they have good self-buffs providing them a big change of winning when it comes to self-buffs battles alike with those in the olympiad.


I had phantom summoner ( he has d.spike in gracia ) and I  had augment on my weapon +15m.atk and Hurricane active 10lvl . So double nuke  + pet attacker + transfer pain = pvp/pve machine :]

P.S. Many ppl thought me at olly for a spellhowler until they see my nightshade(who has 11k hp with self bufs - pof + btb from soes+btb ).

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