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I think i figured out about 99% of this fun little thing hers what I have so far


1) Get yourself to a place where you want to have your event. then type

//eventmatch create 1 team1 team2 1 1 1 100 100 you wont get any conformation if it worked but that’s where step 2 comes in


2) Type //eventmatch list you should see something like

SYS:--Event Match List Begin--

SYS: 1: 'team1' vs 'team2'

SYS --Event match List End--

The number in front of the line that has the 2 teams that you setup in step 1 is your match ID, *The match ID is reset to 1 every server reboot*


3) Next type //eventmatch manage 1, again change the 1 to your match ID. This will bring up the handy match command screen


4) In the top right corner there is a button that says Remove a Race Track *will read "move a Race Tr" * Click that. Now it changed to Create a Race Track *reads "eate a Race Tra"*. in this window click the button that says My Coordinates, that will fill in the X, Y, Z of the center of the new Arena, or Race track as they refer to it as. then the last 2 boxes are the height and width *height is the length of the arena from North to South and the width is the length from East to West in the world. Once that window is all filled in, click Ok


5) Now that your back at the main window, the 2 important items for right now are the Race Setup File and Command File fields. These are the full path to the files, I suggest putting them right in your C: Drive for easy typing, So for example put C:\arena_setup.ini in the Race Setup field and C:\command.ini in the Command File field. *file specs are at the end of this topic*


6) next, we need to setup some teams have the players create parties with the players they wants on there team *Or you can do solo fights*, after they have create there parties select a player from the first team and click Select a target and there name should now be in the represenitive field of that team. Next click Lockup a party to add all the players from that team to the Formation of Team X field below. Repeat this for team 2.


7) After that, your pretty much ready to fight. Have the players come to the inside the 4 posts that where made in step 4. Once there in Click the Fence Up Button, This will put of the wall to the arena, Click it again to lower the wall.


8 ) I would you then type //eventmatch dispelall 1 to debuff everyone in the match *Remember to change the 1 to your match ID* This can be done with the command file also


9) Your ready, Click Start of a Race to get the fancy countdown and big START prompts to all players in the match.


10) After the match is over, for fun you can have fire works go on the winning team players by clicking either, Team1 Fireworks or Team2 Fireworks. The counter towards the bottom should put a point in the winning teams block or you can change it and click Apply


11) After you Res. the dead players you can click Fence Down to let them out, also click Lift a lockup buttons to remove the teams. Or you can click Start a Race again to do a best of 3 or 5 or what ever.


12) Restart at step 6 for your next battle.



- The message field at the bottom it to send a message to the players in the match, type your message and click Forward , the message length is not that big so be careful


- The Ending Message button will display a big GAME OVER message *It does not end a match or remove a arena*


- To open the command File, click Command at the bottom of the window.



Race Setup File Format

The format is in standard INI format. here is an example one that will

- Buff all players with lvl 70 Dark Elf Elder buffs

- Not allow Hero weapons

- Not allow Cancel, any resurrections or party recall










//Mental shield lvl 4




//Shield lvl 3




//Greater Empower lvl 3




//Might lvl 3




//Focus lvl 3




//Concentration lvl 6




//Resist Wind lvl 3




//Wind Walk lvl 2




//Guidence lvl 3




//Death Whisper lvl 3

















//Mass Ressurection







//Infinity Blade



//Infinity Cleaver



//Infinity Axe



//Infinity Rod



//Infinity Crusher



//Infinity Scepter



//Infinity Stinger



//Infinity Fang



//Infinity Bow



//Infinity Wings



//Infinity Spear



I commented it as much as possible but a few things to remember, the XxxCnt items are the amount of things your adding like BuffCnt=7 says your going to list 7 buffs also the XXXXXID and XXXXXlvl are 0 based (a lot like the eventdata.ini in the server scripts folder) another thing to remember, if you disallow a weapon or armor, it is NOT disarmed when the match starts, so be on the look out for that.


The AllowDefult option seems to say weather to read the file of just allow the default, but its backwards DefaultAllow=1 means use the file DefaultAllow=0 means ignore the file



Command File format

Like the race setup file, this is an INI format but a lot simpler,


Here is my example file





Cmd0="//announce Hello World"

Cmd1="//announce Finally figured it out :)"

Cmd2="//eventmatch dispelall 1"


**Good commands added by blondeamon**

Mass Res.

//eventmatch useskill [match_Id] 1016 5

Mass CP recharge

//eventmatch useskill [match_Id] 1306 6


just put the full command in quotes and your done, Dont forget to change the CmdCnt to the ammount of commands you have, and change the number after Cmd if you add more IE Cmd3= would be the next one.


I have not been able to see if there is a variable for the match_id so you will have to change the file to match your match_id.




The one thing I have not figured out is the TeleportDelay option in the Race setup file.



- Tested and ready to use locations for Gludin Arena: -87908 142217 -3645 910x900 (Thanks blondeamon)

- Tested and ready to use locations for Giran Arena: 72982 142759 -3772 920x900 (Thanks blondeamon)



I hope you all find this to be useful.





Hopefully I fixed all spelling mistakes :P


wrong section its not l2j

I honestly don't understand why people make 100 Guides for something that can just be learn't by trying. This is why people are always "do this for me please" "how do I do this?" instead of searching or trying.

Btw please don't use a signature the size of a building!


Intrepid you naap, seriously, you should make peepz use smaller sigs ^^

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