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[Share] L2J Web Donation System !

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kk, Im in Good Mood today to Share Something...

Dont Complain if I'll hide it for very much posts, cuz this share worth it :)


Ok, Lets Do it...


The L2JWeb Donation system is basically a Pannel where Admins can log, and ADD donation Items (Enchants and Quantity Included), Directly inside the player Inventory.


The Player Inventory Must be NO more than 80% Full ! (Some FREE slots are needed (AT least 10 to be sure all going WELL).


The Donation Items Can be basically ALL, (All Items, ALL Weapons, ALL Armors) !


And This this is SECURED ;D


How It Works ?


Well, First of All you must Have a Server (A Live one, or Just for testing Purposes in localhost), then an Apache+PhP (I suggest Xammp), And you are done.



All Is Explained VERY WELL in my Video Tutorial (As always in FULL High Definition) Inside the Archive I will post After the Completed Upload.


I think Will be VERY usefull for all Server who Have donations, and for admins who wants to make all AUTOMATIZATED (whithout going in Game to give the donated item to the donator). By this system you can do it by WEB way, Very Secured with passwords, without any problem, cuz the item will be putted inside the Player Inventory (look the sample Video).


Thats ALL.


Tested And FULLY working on L2Dot Interlude, Should Work in ANY L2J pack (l2j, l2emu, l2jfree, etc).





Download LINK = > http://rapidshare.com/files/275688102/L2J_Web_Donation_System_by_GoDofAdeN.7z





(PLEASE Download it as Free User IF you can) ;D


(DONT spam My Topic with useless/stupid replies such as : I cant see, I need it man, good share...etc..IF YOU CANT SEE IT, LEAVE.)


All Credits goes to Me and to MaKiS for the scripting Help, + _Dudu_1533


About _Dudu_1533, Sorry for this, but I dont know what you are talking about. a Friend of me, MaKis found this and we both fixed it to work well. Cant say where he found this one, but I assicure you that it was very bugged. also, If you feel that Im wrong, or im doing this for personal purposes, I will add you into the credits too. Cuz If you are the real owner, you deserve it.




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thank you :)


What about to decrease the Hide posts to 250 ? I think is good :)


i made them 450 again, this is epic share mate lolz leave it as it is ;).

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i made them 450 again, this is epic share mate lolz leave it as it is ;).

i agree with WebMonster this share is the best eversee :) is hard work you do man forget hide post its good and fun your new work ^^
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