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Dye = + 2 WIT - 2 CON

  + 3 WIT - 3 CON


Armor = Dark Crystal Robe


Weapon = Arcana Mace + Acumen


Tatoo = if in your server there is use TATOO OF WITCH

if your server has another kind of tatoo use DIVINE


Strategy = well....found you a good strategy couse i'm not a good warlock :P



Wit+4 Men-4

Wit+2 Men-4

Con+4 Str-4


Dark Crystal Robe.


The Weapon Can Be Not S Grade, But Its Must Be Acumen.


In Most Of Server Mage Can use Tattoo Avadon For More C.Speed.


Strategy: This Char Don't Have Skills To Hit (To Make DMG) Try To Find Many LS(LifeStone)

And Put Them In Your Weapon To Get Some Skills (Stone,Solar Flare and more...)

If You Will Get Some Active Skill(What Make DMG) YOU WILL POWN ALL!!!



Dye : +3wit-2men


Armor: Tallum Robe/Dynasty Robe


Weapon: One weapon with acumen and one with health.


Strategy? Everyone has his own, but with warlock you have to learn when to swich weapons and which summon to use.


I agree with FiX's set up, tons of WIT, and tons of CON, and DC is the best robe, and i usually dont play servers with tattoos, but if anythin, take hp tattoo, or c spd tattoo.




+4 con -4 str

+4 dex -4 str

+4 wit -4 int




B: Blue Wolf or Doom light or heavy

A: Majestic Heavy or Dark Crystal Robe

S: Imperial Crusader



B: Kris Focus

A: Bloody Orchid Focus

S: Demon Splinter Crit Stun or Arcana Mace Acumen




Resolve (speed)

Soul (atk speed)

Avadon (cast speed)


-use tattoo for apropriate situations


Resolve: run away

Soul: PvP, assist cat

Avadon: heal cat





+4 con -4 str

+4 dex -4 str

+4 wit -4 int




B: Blue Wolf or Doom light or heavy

A: Majestic Heavy or Dark Crystal Robe

S: Imperial Crusader



B: Kris Focus

A: Bloody Orchid Focus

S: Demon Splinter Crit Stun or Arcana Mace Acumen




Resolve (speed)

Soul (atk speed)

Avadon (cast speed)


-use tattoo for apropriate situations


Resolve: run away

Soul: PvP, assist cat

Avadon: heal cat



+1 this, everyone else that told you to -men instead of int is a moron.


Btw . My favorite atm is :


+5 Wit - 5 Int

+4 Con - 4 Str


DC Robe + Weapon Acumen...


Strategy : Aura Burn .. till Paralyz Cubic works and Heal Pet ...

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