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Using this thoroughly explained, detailed photoshop lesson, you will see how to create power ball using some special photoshop tips and tricks. You can use this powerful ball as background of any text, some object... Let's start!


Step 1


Create a new Photoshop document 350px X 350px and fill the background with black color.


Step 2


Choose Filter > Render > Lens Flare and make the adjustments as follow:




Step 3


Choose now Filter > Distort > Ocean Ripple and Filter > Stylize > Wind.






Step 4


Hit now Ctrl+U key to open Hue/Saturation window. Then, choose the options from the picture below!






Step 5


Choose Filter > Stylize > Wind. Then, make the adjustments as follow:




Repeat this process once again!


Step 6


Duplicate now  your layer (CTRL + J) and choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. For Radius set 4px and hit ok. See the picture below!




Step 7


Now, set the top layers blending mode to Screen.




Step 8


Choose now Layer>Merge Down or just hit CTRL + E key on the keyboard.


Step 9


Choose now Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates and make the adjustments as follow:




Step 10


Duplicate now layer again (CTRL + J), and choose Edit > Transform > Flip Veritcal.


Step 11


Set the blending mode to Lighten.




You can, if you like put some text on power ball and that's it!




Credits at the last piC...





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