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[Help]How to Block item in Zone





  Player have item A,B,C



I want to...



block item A in Girun


block item B in olympiad


block item C at 18.00-22.00


Block = Can no't use item in "location Setting"



How to config in server....




Thx for All to help me


5 answers to this question

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for olympiad you can block items via config.


to block items in a town well you can block it in useitem.java something like


if (activeChar.isInPeaceZone)
    code here(look at the other codes to get an example you need to disarm the item than add restriction for re-equip)


or to block only 1 town you need to get the Id of the town its something like

if (TownManager.getTown(Id of the town)
    same restriction here


the block by time is harder a bit because 1 day in l2 means 240minute i dont know the solution for that now but you can make it like item restriction if ingame its night its something like

if (GameTimeController.getInstance().isNowNight())
   same restriction here


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I did this for you,just replace the random item ID's and minutesatyourmintim minutesatyourmaxtim with what you want and thats it. Next time try to do it yourself.

public void useItem(L2PlayableInstance playable, L2ItemInstance item)
	if (!(playable instanceof L2PcInstance))
	L2PcInstance activeChar = (L2PcInstance) playable;
	int itemId = item.getItemId();
		case 2132121:
				playable.sendMessage("You cannot use this item in towns.");
		case 34534543:
				playable.sendMessage("You cannot use this item whilte in Olympiad.);
		case 131231:

			if(GameTimeController.getInstance().getGameTime() > minutesatyourmintime && GameTimeController.getInstance().getGameTime() > minutesatyourmaxtime)
			playable.sendMessage("You cannot use this item between timemin - timemax.);


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thx sure.

You're welcome. Next time just make sure you search the source to understand how things work.

I did that code, it works ,feel free to use it and claim it your own ;)

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Horus.code Edit in l2jserver only? or other.

What do you mean?

If I only code L2j or L2jFree ? or if this code works on all packs?

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