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[EXPLOIT!] How to log any account

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Does not work with revenge, at least i could not get it. It has different account ids than the rest ie does not start at 1 but even when you find your own, i could only log into my account hlpex did nothing.



the site is http://www.l2revengeserver.com/site.html

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hmm at the official site they say they fixed it :((((( but i managed to get it work today :D nevermind there are too much empty accs like 290000 accs and now u need luck to get an acc which has good gear cause more then the half is empty :(

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No it's because they h ave added a number to the accound id's if you look in the other forum under development they have a fix for this hack.

It's to add a number to all the ids so if the number is 1000 the first (gm) account would be 1001. But we dont know what number that have added to the accounts.

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get real, they added random numbers and pwnzored 99.9% of ppl (aka script kiddies) (any other server where this works is kinda lame, have fun xD)


what does this mean?

that account 1 can be 51651651 and account 2 985663 and so on :)


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i saw that fix too but thats bullshit....

look if the acc ids begin at 1 u couldnt login with this id but i can its empty but u can... i think it isnt only adding a number but something like if someone creates an acc a script creates serverside empty accs like 5 and then anotherone makes an acc and so on.. Like this:

create acc----> id 5

server makes empty accs -----> 6-10

create acc ------> id 11

dou understand???

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m4rx u are wrong :D i controled it i made 2 accs immediately to check the ids they arent random :D the difference was 6 numbers only so there is a chance to break this noob fix :D


Edit: Sry for double post :D

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There is no way there is 243547 accounts on that server, even if you deivede ethat by 6 thats 40 000 they must have added a number at the begining.

there are even more :D the highest i know is 290793 i dont think that there are so many accs but i know that there aremany empty accs :D

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