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[SHARE] Gmshop_Luxury Gk for L2j Gracia PT II

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Hello again.I decide to do my post and at English Section.So here we are.


To put Luxurh_GK into your server 1.open navicat and press execute batch file.2.Extract the folder Data into your server/gameserver

and select replace all

To put Gmshop 1.open navicat and press execute batch file.2.Extract the folders Html and Multisell into your server/gameserver/Data


Spawn ids:

//spawn 7077(Luxurh_Gk)

//spawn 75880(Gmshop)


width=640 height=470http://i40.tinypic.com/2zoes1h.jpg[/img]


Plz dont Spam.If you like my post just say thanks.


Credits to Xanthos.

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