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Site: www.ancestralgames.net



Exp: x10

SP: x12

Adena: x15

Drop: x10

Spoil: x13

Party Exp/SP: x2

Quest: x6.5



. Event TVT 4hs

. Event Arena Ranking

. Team Speak Server (IP: ancestralts.system.ts)

. EventoFishing

. Event CTF  10pm (-3GTM)

. Automatic back Up  1hr

. Ancestral Games System event

. Wedding ON 100% en Giran.

. No gm Shop, NO buffer

. Geodata

. Noblesse 100%

. Slots de buff 24 + Divine inspiration (4).

. MP Pots (can`t use pk and flag players)

. Skills Balanced

. Autolearn Skills.

. Song and Dances 10 min.

. Olympiad 100%

. Heros 100%

. Clanes: Skills: 100%. Apella quests: 100%

. Alliances 5 Clan.

. Excelent Sieges, 100% 0 lag

. DualBox Permited

. Spawn Protection 40 seg.

. Weekly updates

. 100% UP

. No Lag

. 600 users On


Hardware / Info


Intel Quad xeon

Mother Intel

8gb Ram DDR2 800Mhz

2xSATA II 250gb Samsung HD252HJ

2xSeagate Cheetah 15k RPM

Ubicado en Datacententer de Buenos Aires - Argentina

Ancho de banda 100mbits


And Much more...





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