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Bugs Or hacks for l2 evo?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well i tell you one bug and i think it be work in l2evo.If you have 2 sub and you have Sagitarius!:Go to change your sub and click at Rapid shot(when you are subbed with sagitarius uf curse)etc.change it to Destro.When you click Rapid Shot the skill stuck on your new sub(destro)and you  done!Rapid Shot in destro sub!Now put frenzy,zealot,rage +rapid shot with bow and you will be pro!

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  • 1 month later...

eleos greek section ke grafete aglika ke apasidisate ke platinoum ke den eipate tpt ama eine sta aglika section na grafo ellinka gt i xeni xeroune pio polla hacks apo emas tha me apadasisoune arage

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