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that's my second guide, I hope you'll like it!


It's for Hmbr.gif







Arc Lightning --> Deals 130 chain damage up to 15 ppl

Cooldown --> 2 seconds (OMG!!)

Comments --> Although this skill has only 2 seconds cooldown, you mustn't spam it, unless you have your 3rd skill at lvl 4...

Once you get your 3rd skill at lvl 4 you may happily spam this button till your fingers hurt...!





Lightning Bolt --> Simply hits the target with lightning for 350 damage...

Cooldown --> 7 seconds

Comments --> It's damage is pretty high, it's cooldown is pretty low, so combined with the 3rd skill it's pure damage!!





Static Field --> whenever you cast a spell (which is almost all the time!! :D) you deal AoE damage.

AoE range is 800. Damage is 11% of current health points (of enemies it hits)

Cooldown --> it's Passive...

Comments --> Combined with 1st and 2nd skill, it deals supermassive damage!!GREAT FOR GANKS!!




ThunderGod's Wrath --> Deals 460 damage to EVERY enemy hero in the game!!

Cooldown --> 120 seconds :*(

Comments --> DO NOT WASTE IT!!!You can get a triple kill with this skill, if you use it right...

Generally ppl will tell you to use it when someone they are chasing somebody, who ran away with really low HP...

Combined with Aghanim's Scepter it's a pretty good Ulti...!

WARNING!: It doesn't hit invisible units, so if you were chasing Rikimaru and he ran away, don't waste your ulti...



Favorite Items:


BTNINV_Wand_05.gif (It makes your ulti even more imba, and also gives you HP and MP which is practically what you need...)


BTNINV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_02.gif (Gives MP and HP, and also MP Regen...)


BTNAbility_Rogue_Sprint.gif (you'll need speed to chase ppl, and you'll also run out of mana pretty fast so you need to teleport...)


BTNINV_Wand_06.gif (many ppl make this item, but I personally never make it)


BTNAdvancedMoonArmor.gif (more INT --> MP and 1 more skill to use!

Also gives +15 armor...)



BTNHeartOfSearinox.gif  (1 more ulti!! :D Especially if you have Aghanim's too, it's a really good item! :P)

Credits to xryskom for this item



BTNINV_Sword_09.gif (you can use this item if you're chasing someone with high run speed... when he's about to go out of range you use this item, go about 300 range in front of him and then continue nuking him :P)


You can replace Scythe with the following item which has a similar effect but is cheaper...




Or you can buy both :D


You might want to buy BTNNecromancerAdept.gif

But i never make it because it makes your char MUCH more complex...



BTNSpellShieldAmulet.gif (very useful for ganks, and for when someone is chasing you...)



BTNStaffOfSilence.gif (Atk. speed and damage bonus are useless, but the 225% mana regen is pretty good, and silence + amplify damage is very useful on ganks)



Items to AVOID:


any items that boost your damage, or your attack speed or your armor or your agility are 100% USELESS...


BTNINV_Weapon_Halberd_10.gif (your atk. speed is really low, so your chance to deal +100 damage is also low... also you don't need the +70 damage it gives since you mainly cast spells...)


BTNINV_Chest_Chain_14.gif (you don't need +15 armor... you don't ned +55% atk. speed since you cast spells... -5 armor aura is good, but you can't pay so much gold just for this...)


You might want to buy BTNIceShard.gif (for the slow, but since you have to attack to slow the enemy and your range is TOO low, it's practically useless...

It's better if you just continue casting spells...)



BTNINV_Weapon_Crossbow_10.gif (same as Monkey King Bar...)


BTNINV_Sword_25.gif (if you buy this item, I GUARANTEE that not only you wasted your money, but you also made your opponents stronger by 250 damage... Since the moment you get this item is the moment that EVERYONE will try to kill you no matter what...   [When you die this item drops...])


BTNINV_Helmet_13.gif (any type of lifesteal is useless since you only cast spells...)


BTNTransmute.gif (the effect is really good, but the + damage is useless...)



Best way to play:


At first you're really vulnerable, so everyone will try to pwn you, especially tanks...

But if your lane opponent is a hero with low health, you'll manage pretty fine...

If you got a tank in your lane, leave this lane... If nobody wants to swap lanes with you, then just away from him...

You CANNOT kill tanks...

Same goes to Agility heros who deal massive damage... (especially Magina!!)

Though you can kill agility heroes with the help of the tower in the beginning...



Wait for someone to go attack, and then appear and keep spamming Arc Lightning and Lightning Bolt.

When somebody tries to run away, and you can't get to him fast enough use your ulti...!

It'll finish him off...

Generally you have to spam your skills and don't let anyone get to you...

If someone comes to attack you, run away, until someone stuns him...

Then just pwn his ass till he dies!! :D

If you got no stunners, and somebody comes to attack you, then you have to run away, except if you believe you can kill him before he kills you...

And remember... ALWAYS do Lightning Bolt first...

It's range is a little longer than Arc Lightning so if you hit with Lightning Bolt, your target won't fade in the fog, and you'll be able to hit him with your Arc of lightning.

Also, sometimes you will need to use your ulti to find a character that has gone into the woods and you can't find him.

Your ulti gives vision of all enemy heroes since it attacks them...

So you may use your ulti, and then instantly strike with Lightning Bolt...




How to use Ulti:





Skill Build:

Arc Lightning

Static Field

Lightning Bolt

Lightning Bolt

Lightning Bolt

Thundergod's wrath

Lightning Bolt

Static Field

Static Field

Static Field

Thundergod's wrath

Arc Lighnning

Arc Lightning

Arc Lightning


Thundergod's wrath

Stats till lvl 25


get Arc Lightning at lvl 1, 'cause that's your spam skill >.<

then Static Field at lvl 1, 'cause it's pretty effective at lvl 1 too

then max out Lightning Bolt, then Static Field, and then Arc Lightning.




You can go jungling if you want, but you won't earn more money than if you just stay in your lane...

So jungling is not recommended...





Any type of stunner is a great ally, since stunners will save you when someone comes to kill you.




















He is a really good ally, because he healz your MP...



Worst Enemies:


All tanks can pwn you because they have a really high HP pool...

Static field is effective, but your skills aren't...











Agility heroes are also pretty difficult enemies because they kill you really fast, but if you they were attacking somebody else then you should be able to kill them before they reach you...:












All low hp heroes are easily killed by you, 1 Lightning Bolt, 1 Arc, 1 Dagon (if you bought it) and 1 Ulti and they're dead...






UC76.gif (just watch out for his silence, if you got him as an enemy better buy a disable item ASAP)


Emns.gif  <-- whenever you see this guy, just feed on him! :P






That's it for now, if you think anything is wrong, or something is missing feel free to tell me... :)


i was somewhat inactive those last 3 days so its time for work xD


i was going to publish a Zeus guide these days but since you ve done it i ll post it later.i have to say that you describe well and you give srelatively good details but your items build is poor. very poor i have to admit! as well as this item build is based on other ppl choices and less on your


I don't think that Zeus needs BoT that badly, I think Phase boots or Power Threads are enough, never seen Zeus with BoT.


Just my opinion. Anyway, nice guide!


since he is a nuker(which means lot of damage instantly) he really needs to be in battles so quick teleportations are somewhat needed


@aneos: if you spend some more time in allies / enemies and your item build it could be worth of  something more


example:since zeus is a nuker and he low hper heavy tanks like axe,tiny,ursa,huskar etc can really destroy zeus in seconds

mana burners can make zeus and every nuker useless like magina,anub'arak,lion,nortrom

criticalers like morted,yunero,tidehunter,Leorik,Nessaj

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