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[Request] Help

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Hello everyone can some1 help me about one information... I wanted to try http://www.lineage.ro/ server and i can't find where to register account to play ? Please,can somebody say what i have to do or where to go to finish this ...


Thanks to person who help :))

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So u are Person who know how to make account... but look what does this show to me when i try...

Look my screen when i try to "register"





I dont see anything like on ur screen to make serial number and that options "account,password,retype Password ... etc etc.. "


New problems came :/


Soz for my english,i really hope u can understand what i mean about my problem.  Ty

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grrrrrrrr waiting for damn help how to register bloody account on DEX !

I though key for registration is to register first on forum,but when i did it and try again... same problem.... or when i try to log there "left i marked with red"  it says : Incorrect Password...



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Sry dobble post but if you want i can request on serial to you, just say to me


full name:


e-mail: city:



where did you find us:  ( some top sites )  ( search engine ) ( some friend )

did you +play here before:

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I would do it alone if i get on this page u are on....  Well if that will over my problem and we'll register account yes,u can do it for me... I Please u.  So if yes,confirm me and then we'll talk on msn :)



Ps. Dont care if u post on my topic 2313123  times,just to over for all times this problem... :) Thanks for support

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if you want crreat to you one serial add me on msn if you have snipe.withstyle@hotmail.com or tell me here or pm to tell you account end you change password i play these server but borring for xp end i do now my server :)

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