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Just w8..

Webm0st3r is not on at msn either atm.

Just w8.

Server is gonna be online today.HE Said me yesterday.

Stay tuned.IF My atempt of login succeed,i will inform u at the moment to log on!!

Also.Join at our forums too.




i am a tforums alrdy! i made the fors tpost in GENERAL DISCUSION! :P

anyway hope this server to be more popular the death whisper! cheers to u too! (i am drinking beer!)


March 27 20:00 GMT+2 server will be up

also tommorow from 20:30 to 21:30 our server will be off, due to Earth Hour ;)

yeah!!!! [gr] bravo webmoster !!!!! kai gia ton server kai gia to poy sozis tin gi!!!!!!!!!


28 mins more!!

Guys.As EVENT GM of the server I HOPE ALL OF YA Join!!!

I Am thinking for a great event when we reach ppl.

I Want to see u aLL online!!!




Why server is down?Today the server make the grand oppening?I Wait to start play here!

8a mpeis k 8a faC ip ban gt sto xrostaw...








plakizw :P


does the class are balanced?

[gr] except this .. join!!!! ti class na ftiaksoi ti protinis webmonter??


[gr] except this .. join!!!! ti class na ftiaksoi ti protinis webmonter??

i was always making doomcryers :P i don't know what you prefer but i like dooms :D


se 10 lepta 8a pe8anw xwris nero,fagito,anapnoh

aLLa EUTIXISMENOS apo tn server..

Xaxax0a0xa0xa :/

10 more rr!

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