TNL Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 EDIT : READ THE FU CKING TOPIC . Till now i'm totaly decided to leave the maxcheaters comunity , since 90% of the members want just posts ! WHAT THE .. ? Don't post saying just "nice" when you didn't even read the whole post . lol . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- We all know how boring is to enchant ! And whoever needs it ?! Everyone can kill a +30 equiped guy with a +0 wep .. Or not ?! This guide will help you to get rid of the problem ! Follow the steps EXACTLY how they are , and you are gonna be a true L2 God ! Here we go ! Step 1 : You want to enchant , but you need a weapon to do it . Hmmm .. A-S grade weapons are way too expensive .. So , buy a top D grade wep from the weapons shop ! Okay . Now you have the weapon but .. How do you enchant it ? YES ! EWD ! Problem : You have no EWD . So , just go in the middle of the market , and start begging for ONLY ONE EWD , telling the people u have a +15 D grade wep but ur out of EWD's ! Next , make a buy shop with the begged EWD , with the message "Please help me im good" . Now do the same thing with 4-5 chars (depending on your pc) and go out ! (don't close the sessions) . Step 2 : You have the will to enchant , the weapon and the scroll ! Now , only noobs would straight enchant ! You first need some adenas , just in case u break them all , so just go in giran , open a sell shop with Healing pots - 100k each with the message "Pls man buy 1" . Step 3 : Let's go started ! I : Open the enchant scroll , and teleport to dion(you should be at giran now) and get back ! Then , bow 3 times in the temple , and push okay . (The people is lying ! The weapon can break at +1!!!!) II : Do the same thing until +3 (the second time : Oren and back , the third time: Aden and back) III : Get an autoclicker and go to Innadril temple , letting the autoclicker clicking Social Bow from the action list , and go afk for a bounch of hours . IV : Here we are !!! Open the enchant scroll , chose the weapon , and cancel for about 30-40 times . Then , open the enchant scroll , go and kill 20-30 Wolfs , Semi-enchanting your wep with their teeths ! Then , close the monitor and push ok !!!! First probability : The weapon is +4 ! Gratzzzz !!!!! Follow this tutorial up ahead to see what you gotta do next ! Second probability : You have obtained XXXX Crystals : D grade(s) . Read the end of this tutorial . V It's 4 now ! Keep it like that for a week or more , to let the people see you are the best around the area , with a SHINING WEAPON !!!! Now , it's time to get HIGHER ! We will try to do it +5 ! Deposit ALL your items in the wh , except the EWD + (+4!!!!) Weapon . Go to monastery of silence and wait for some1 to come ! (if there are 10< players online , bad luck . You have to wait for some one ! P.S. If you call someone , the weapon will break 100%!!! Respect the rules !) When some one finally comes , trade him , give him 50-100 Res scrolls , and keep flagging on him + "PLEASE RESSSS ME NEED DELEVEL ! YES NECRO NEED DELEVEL" . After getting killed about 50 times , losing at least 2 levels , it's time for the next step ! VI Make the Baium quest , again , only with the wep+ewd in ur inventory , and get killed . After that , make the quest again for 5-6 times . VII Open the scroll , sit and stand 10-20 times , and ENCHANT IT ! First probability : The weapons breaks . Read the end of this tutorial . Second probability : The weapon breaks . Read the end of this tutorial . The end If your weapon breaks , there is no use to live anymore . You will be considered a lifeless idiot , everyone will laugh . YOU CAN'T IGNORE THEM ! Just get on your msn , tell to all ur buddies to -beep- off and that they'r just not too good enaugh to have a friend LIKE YOU , and uninstall msn . Second , log on l2 , and insult the gm till you get a ban IP . Third : Uninstall l2 . And finaly , fourth , Get a nice position and Throw away ur pc on the window . Final step : BE HAPPY FOR ESCAPING THIS CURSE ! Your life will be much better now ! You will get insulted ONLY in real life , not in the virtual life too ! The real end I hope you realised that this is a wannabe-funny tutorial , I don't want stupid comments like "this doesn't work omg noob" or etc . Ofc , credits to .. me . Have fun ! Nice replies till now : wow realy nice i made Full IC +6 with your guide thanks or maybe because my server safe enchants was +6 ? :p Hahaha realy nice and joking post... i am sure a lot of noobies try use a lot of joking guides and after crying "Μy weapon broken" ;D Hey! Nice share! I've so far done the first three steps of your guide and got myself +1 dagger! Life changed from that day. Now everyone knows how cool I am and runs away when I go. I so happens that they don't get out of my way they rec me, drop adena, beg for mercy. :D I'm like a GOD. I wonder what will happen when I get +2. Maybe I will be elected the GM or ADMIN :D lol funny stuff :D Not-to-do replies : you are the biggest looser that has no lyfe but to make these guides and wish they work... seriously, get a life boy... nice guide!! ty i already try everything to enchant so ... ... ... this is a old bug i heard it when c4 was new and it dont work it is just a waste of time wwwwwwwwwtffffffff i don't need it i just have phx to do it xD i already tried it xDD better i break the weapon than enchant like this .... lool aesome l0led so hard nice share it works! nice guide i've made +30 weapon with this tut. joke, i wonder how many ppl will try it ATM hehe nice guide and dont working:P All my weapons is broken on +4 safe +3 QQ, i've broken my icarus +4 because of you. LIAR, die :'( Ha, ha! Who hasn't tried to Enchant Weapons and Armors doing any stupidities? I remember that I used to equip and unequip items while enchanting. I got a +11 weapon using this way. Then, I tried to enchant it to +12... And I didn't obtain anymore than Crystals XDD! loool=)))))...if i want to enchant my wep +16 i will get old...... and old... and wen i maked it +15 i will die... cuz im to old...
ppconde Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Final step : BE HAPPY FOR ESCAPING THIS CURSE ! Your life will be much better now ! You will get insulted ONLY in real life , not in the virtual life too ! <---lol xD nice work :P
Lavos Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 lol to much work :( i dont think this it works :)) and its booring to do all these steps but i like this posts man ....nice :)) MOOOOOnster Still nice one TNL Hope we will meet again on a server ;)
Billistain Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 FFS Haven't you fucking read these goddamned rules?
Sуѕтємƒяєαк Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 now that i got a +8 weap should i consider myself a god or sth? ;p
TNL Posted March 15, 2009 Author Posted March 15, 2009 you are the biggest looser that has no lyfe but to make these guides and wish they work... seriously, get a life boy... You .. are joking , right ? HOW CAN YOU THINK THIS IS GONNA WORK ? If I could , I would have decreased your karma to -100! LOL ! Read the end of the tutorial .
logan525 Posted March 15, 2009 Posted March 15, 2009 I go farm and enchant 1 and go farm and enchant In l2memories x30 enchant chance 65% i had as+21 pola +16 dynasty bow +17 :]
doun Posted March 15, 2009 Posted March 15, 2009 wow realy nice i made Full IC +6 with your guide thanks or maybe because my server safe enchants was +6 ? :p
ultrawolf Posted March 15, 2009 Posted March 15, 2009 Hey! Nice share! I've so far done the first three steps of your guide and got myself +1 dagger! Life changed from that day. Now everyone knows how cool I am and runs away when I go. I so happens that they don't get out of my way they rec me, drop adena, beg for mercy. :D I'm like a GOD. I wonder what will happen when I get +2. Maybe I will be elected the GM or ADMIN :D lol funny stuff :D
Trilis Posted March 16, 2009 Posted March 16, 2009 You are so pretty funny :) i wonder how much of the guys tryed that :D
Setoth Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 this is only luck , but i must say when i go to farm and then i enchant i have more luck
DreaM Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 You will get insulted ONLY in real life , not in the virtual life too ! Epic.
Oloss Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 thats klewl ^^ ty i already try everything to enchant so ... ... ... hahahhahaha ;d;d;d
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