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Guest skaros

Well... i was playing counterstrike source as usual  ::)

I was playing my regular server (Which i was first in rank)

with 3.09 kd ratio and an admin came in the server and played

with me :D.I pwned his ass really really hard and then he started

whining and calling me noob etc stuff.. and I replied just " ;)" i know it is provoking :P

He got mad and told me he will tell steam that i use aimbot and

baned me from his server :P anyways i loled really hard and i took that as a copliment :D




First time in server




After we played




And ... result :P


width=640 height=480http://www.imageshack.gr/files/jgy7gye7e687804p1wzp.jpg[/img]


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