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Nai ontos o Lostre exei arketo kairo edw mesa...kai to oti exei 30 posts den paizei kanena rolo...oso gia to topic to vriskw useless...den xreiazete na kanei topic kai na les "Maxtor Des"...tosous Mods exoume..oso gia tis vrisies den kserw den to exo dei to topic den kserw ti proigite...afta..


What's wrong with all the monkeys in here, it tooks so much to figure out for this kind of things you should pm maxtor instead of creating a whole topic about it.


PS: I don't know whats the thread about, nor i care.


Nai nai... o gnwstos agnwstos... therullezZ p exei faei pollapLes fores ban....


Vare8ika na tn kanw ban sta isa... kanonika... t aksizei -1 karma alla dn 8a asxoloumai pleon me mlkies an ksanadwsei tetio dikaioma k milisei etC esto k meso pm exei fugei gia akoma mia fora...


K alli fora Loykoy tetia 8emata MoNo apo Pm....  k OXI PUBLIC!




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