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Selling L2Essence Or LiveL2

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Both are L2OFF and Interlude.Both are L2OFF and Interlude.Both are L2OFF and Interlude.




as the topic said, i'm selling both packs...


From my last server, L2 Essence and...


Since Ptrey sold his server, and started studing, he have me his pack to make some upgrades...


If you are interested in any of those packs, contact me !


We can deal it !


How to contact me ?


Send me a private message...



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Both are L2OFF and Interlude.Both are L2OFF and Interlude.Both are L2OFF and Interlude.




as the topic said, i'm selling both packs...


From my last server, L2 Essence and...


Since Ptrey sold his server, and started studing, he have me his pack to make some upgrades...


If you are interested in any of those packs, contact me !


We can deal it !


How to contact me ?


Send me a private message...



Both servers failed mucho.

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Just come on and try it out !


I'm selling the pack as it is !


Please don't judge me, i never judged any of u guys... if you don't even tried it out, just come on


Don't give a fuck for that rej222


Is the owner of FailedNoid...

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