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its more like a question. ive never really understood what these two are. what is l2j and what is l2off? whats the difference between them? also i want to know if anyone knows what is the server l2 tehgamers. http://lineage2.tehgamers.net/portal.php

is it l2off or l2j? and how we can find out what each server is? answer me pls ^^


its more like a question. ive never really understood what these two are. what is l2j and what is l2off? whats the difference between them? also i want to know if anyone knows what is the server l2 tehgamers. http://lineage2.tehgamers.net/portal.php

is it l2off or l2j? and how we can find out what each server is? answer me pls ^^

I am not the proper to answer your question...

About the server it must be L2J according to the title of the site...




l2j have bugs but if u are pro admin u can make from  l2j someting like l2off i think :P





l2off = illegal (stolen file from ncsoft)


l2j = legal (if no client modification are done!)






+ Extremely stable. Even months without restarts in good hands.

+ Can hold big online numbers with no lag.

+ Clustered design (npc, comm, cache (database), world, login servers)

+ All features up to C4 work perfectly (with minor tweaks). Formulas and skill effects, hell yeah!


- Illegal (although i dont give a flying -beep- and dont rly count this as a minus)

- Developing server requires lots of reverse engineering and assembler knowledge. Minor glitches in code usually lead to server crash or lots of weird server errors that we cant understand due to lack of information about server design.

- Eats far more resources than any l2j branch server.

- Public versions of l2off so called extenders are plain shit so we basically have C4 available publicly (although there are cracked extenders that reach up to buggy interlude).

- Cant run on linux (but its just a matter of taste).



+ Legal (although i dont rly count this as a plus as i dont give a flying -beep- anyway)

+ Fast and productive development. We have all sources, now we need brain!

+ Most of features are working in public versions of l2j, let alone private versions that tend to be even more perfect.

+ Capable to run on home desktop hardware.

+ Easily customizable.


- Less stable. Dunno how much less.

- Cant hold very big online numbers. But is slowly catching up with l2off.

- Class imbalance due to some invalid skills.

- Can run on most OSs'.


L2J = L2 java created by the java team its something like a copy from lineage 2 ( used by server )

L2off = L2 Official its the original game copy ( used by server )


dont think so L2 Inc i think is L2j and has 5k ppl on...

l2 inc is L2j ???????


i think they have l2off becuase l2max have too l2off


or im bad informed ? :P

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