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Can anybody give me the link with unlocked Interlude system??? I need it because i can't add epic items like Dynasty, Epic, Fatality etc.



Sorry dn mporw na to eksigisw sta agglika...


Prospafw na valw kamio Epic item (px Fatality h Ice etc.) Kai dn ginete otan paw na valw mesa sto weapongrp.dat, ItemName-e.dat otan paw na kanw save m vgazei error (den kserw ti leei) ... Kai ama telika kataferno na to kanw m vgazei to error otan anigo l2.exe (leei Please check Full... ) kati paidia m eipan pos xreazome unlocked system...


1on prepei na ta vazeis swsta mesa sta .dat (na afinei keno sto telos ktlp ktlp) meta ama paratiriseis otan pas na kaneis save kai sou bgazei to error meta ama deis mesa sto system sou dn 8a yparxei afto to arxeio(mou exei sumbei paizei na einai kai auto...)


1on prepei na ta vazeis swsta mesa sta .dat (na afinei keno sto telos ktlp ktlp) meta ama paratiriseis otan pas na kaneis save kai sou bgazei to error meta ama deis mesa sto system sou dn 8a yparxei afto to arxeio(mou exei sumbei paizei na einai kai auto...)

Auto einai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mporeis na m peis ti akrivos prepei na kanw?!?!?!?


re to exo kanei safe to arxei dld kapos to perimena auto... :P to arxeio to exo... aplos se ena alo fakelo... :) mporeis na m peis omos pos mporo na kanw add kapoio wepaon xoreis na exafanisti to arxeio?

Sou ksana lew to arxeio to exo kanei safe... :)


Woot twra pws na sto pw prepei na elekseis oti ola ta kena metaksi tn grammatwn kai tn noumerwn einai swsta px ama exoume ena weapon sto  itemname-e prepei:


65 Red Potion a, -1 a, a, a, a, 0 0 0 a,


Prepei ta  gramata kai ta noumera -1, 0 prepei na exoune tn swsti apostasi metaksi tous


Epeisis sto prwto a polles fores exoune kai logia opote ginetai  a,blablabla\0


Kai genika otan ta kanoun share kai einai la8os einai GTP i katastasi :P


xriazete patched system

des edw


Preparing the client


For it ull need to get L2ENCDEC and hve a updated INTERLUDE client (just need to run the laucher.exe of the game).


1º- Extract all the MAIN files of L2encdec into ur ORIGINAL SYSTEM FOLDER and run the patcher.exe .A ms-dos window will appear and ill run few process. Wait it finish.




2º-Open a ms-dos console (start > run > cmd) and try to reach the system folder via console (keep typing cd.. until reach c: , than type cd progra* (to reach the folder program files). cd lineag* (to reach lineage II folder). cd system . Okay now u are inside the system folder.


3º- Type l2encdec -s l2.ini .It will decrypt the l2.ini in a new file called dec-l2.ini . U can open it using the notepad and edit the line "serveraddr=" inserting the server Internal (urself and same network players) or External (outside players) IP than save it.


width=525 height=480http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/6295/decan7.jpg[/img]


4º- Erase the original L2.ini file. than return to console and type l2encdec -h 413 dec-l2.ini . It will encrypt the dec-l2.ini file in a new file called enc-dec-l2.ini . Just rename it to l2.ini .


5º- Just start the L2 using the l2.exe that is INSIDE the system folder !


OBS: To make a gm char, First of all ull need to create a new character and be sure that char ISNT connected (just open the game type any login and pass because it will be created automatically , and create a new char).


-Open Navicat , click on "localhost" , than click on l2jdb. Many tables will show up. Open the table characters by double clicking it. Find the LINE of ur character than find the COLLUM ACCESS LEVEL of it. Change the number 0 for 100 and log in ! Done !


Well... I know it dont hve a HUGE diference in comparison w the old guide but as i sad, a LOT of ppl are asking me a lot of things about interlude configuration... Hope it help. Good luck buddies !


PS: For who is getting erros when trying to dec-enc the l2.ini file using the l2encdec, try to download the L2FileEdit C6. U can find it on My Shared Folder > L2J tools . I really dont think a tuto is needed for it. Just open up the program and ull know what to do ^^.

PS2: Patching the system folder is needed in BOTH WAYS !!!!


LOL re file pou kolaei olo afto???Aftos exei patched system (upo8etw) aplws paixtike m@lakia me to File edit pou diagrafei ta arxeia ama ginei error...twra ama dn exei patched system kanei search kai to vriskei(yparxei ena topic pou exei gia oti client 8es)


xriazete patched system

des edw


Preparing the client


For it ull need to get L2ENCDEC and hve a updated INTERLUDE client (just need to run the laucher.exe of the game).


1º- Extract all the MAIN files of L2encdec into ur ORIGINAL SYSTEM FOLDER and run the patcher.exe .A ms-dos window will appear and ill run few process. Wait it finish.




2º-Open a ms-dos console (start > run > cmd) and try to reach the system folder via console (keep typing cd.. until reach c: , than type cd progra* (to reach the folder program files). cd lineag* (to reach lineage II folder). cd system . Okay now u are inside the system folder.


3º- Type l2encdec -s l2.ini .It will decrypt the l2.ini in a new file called dec-l2.ini . U can open it using the notepad and edit the line "serveraddr=" inserting the server Internal (urself and same network players) or External (outside players) IP than save it.


width=525 height=480http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/6295/decan7.jpg[/img]


4º- Erase the original L2.ini file. than return to console and type l2encdec -h 413 dec-l2.ini . It will encrypt the dec-l2.ini file in a new file called enc-dec-l2.ini . Just rename it to l2.ini .


5º- Just start the L2 using the l2.exe that is INSIDE the system folder !


OBS: To make a gm char, First of all ull need to create a new character and be sure that char ISNT connected (just open the game type any login and pass because it will be created automatically , and create a new char).


-Open Navicat , click on "localhost" , than click on l2jdb. Many tables will show up. Open the table characters by double clicking it. Find the LINE of ur character than find the COLLUM ACCESS LEVEL of it. Change the number 0 for 100 and log in ! Done !


Well... I know it dont hve a HUGE diference in comparison w the old guide but as i sad, a LOT of ppl are asking me a lot of things about interlude configuration... Hope it help. Good luck buddies !


PS: For who is getting erros when trying to dec-enc the l2.ini file using the l2encdec, try to download the L2FileEdit C6. U can find it on My Shared Folder > L2J tools . I really dont think a tuto is needed for it. Just open up the program and ull know what to do ^^.

PS2: Patching the system folder is needed in BOTH WAYS !!!!


Ligo akero auto... Dn zitisa auto....

LOL re file pou kolaei olo afto???Aftos exei patched system (upo8etw) aplws paixtike m@lakia me to File edit pou diagrafei ta arxeia ama ginei error...twra ama dn exei patched system kanei search kai to vriskei(yparxei ena topic pou exei gia oti client 8es)

Auto pou xrismopoio ego dn eiparxei se maxcheaters oute s kana alo site (APlos i NCsoft to exei zvisei...)einai gamato... Dn pianeikanena hack, Oute clients bugs...

TeCPa To dokimasa, tpt opos prin, Pali eksafanizete to arxeio...

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