Xeretw katarxin ola ta members :) Tha hthela na eyxaristhsw osa paidia exoun diabasei ta proigoumena post m kai exoun dwsei lusei sta problhmata m! To shmerino problhma pou exw einai:
Xrisimopoio to server pack Oneo Preconfigure by TheMentaL
to problhma pou exw einai ekana Drop database meso navicat kai eftiaxa kainourgia xana ekana ta settings pou hthela egw kai loipa
alla den exw admin :S:S Kai to pio basiko den mporw na kanw tpt apo to navicat an xerei kapoios kai mporei na boithisei as mou pei
I present to your attention two options for the Hellbound location map
details in the archive
if you have larger effect files, you do not need to replace them
updates can be made behind the scenes, so if you catch a crit, post on the forum or download the archive, it may have already been fixed
additionally you can download
all la2 music from the latest version of the game 2025 download
the entire La2 ambisound from the latest version of the game 2025 download
Xeretw katarxin ola ta members :) Tha hthela na eyxaristhsw osa paidia exoun diabasei ta proigoumena post m kai exoun dwsei lusei sta problhmata m! To shmerino problhma pou exw einai:
Xrisimopoio to server pack Oneo Preconfigure by TheMentaL
to problhma pou exw einai ekana Drop database meso navicat kai eftiaxa kainourgia xana ekana ta settings pou hthela egw kai loipa
alla den exw admin :S:S Kai to pio basiko den mporw na kanw tpt apo to navicat an xerei kapoios kai mporei na boithisei as mou pei
eyxaristw kai pali :):D
4 answers to this question
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