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Here is the patch




Hello for all!

I'm start my L2J based server.

After playing in oficial server along 4 years, i'll stop playing becouse NC Soft give me a Ban :)

Yes, i'm L2 Walker use, older Hawk 84 / glad 79 / necro 78 / bishop 78....


But my ban don't stpo my Lineage 2 life!


I'm java programer, I have full idea of Lineage 2 Wolrd / leveling / pvp / trading / etc, and start a balanced server. Not was PVP 1000x.


Is a mid rate server.


High rates server kill a lot of classes: sws, bd, pp, se, ee......


Xp = 35x

Sp = 30x

Party Xp = 1.1 * (35x)

Adena = 50x

Items = 3x

Spoil = 12x


Extra Features:

Buffs 1h

Dances 8min

Summons 10min

Herbs 15min

Vitality System work

NPC Class Change in all Towns / 1,2,3 Jobs

Auto-Learn Skills (no SP need)

Global GK (work and under development)

Custom NPC Shots Shop (work and under development)

Custom NPC Weapon Shop (work and under development)

Custom NPC Armor (work and under development)

Custom NPC Enchant Shop (work and under development)



Custom NPC Bracelet (not ready, under development)

Custom Transformation (not ready, under development)

Custom Dye  (not ready, under development)

Custom Raid Boss Drop (not ready, under development)



It is a beta server. They will open in 15/03.


This is machine:

Core 2 Quad Q9650 (3GHz, 12MB Cache)

16 GB RAM PC 1033

4x RAID-0 SCSI 120GB hard disk


Website is under development.


i understand you man but if buffs are in buffer why ppl must turn every 4 min for cov or 8 min for songs better remove them from buffer but if you remove them ppl start dualbox for dance+songs and in private server with rates x30 and up no1 make dancer songer etc to ply only with rates x10 and and dance+songs time raital sry for my english


i understand you man but if buffs are in buffer why ppl must turn every 4 min for cov or 8 min for songs better remove them from buffer but if you remove them ppl start dualbox for dance+songs and in private server with rates x30 and up no1 make dancer songer etc to ply only with rates x10 and and dance+songs time raital sry for my english

You cannot playing dual boxes under siege. Songs and dances are great buffs.


Now under develop....

Under develop:

Custom Areas



This is open beta.

I'm player, this server will be fun for players. No donators "raid boss".


Some PvPs servers you can got 85 in 3 min, but you need play more than one month to get a good itens. S80+4 sucks in front line of battle: Donators are full +25. You are 85 full S80 and give 84 damage in donator "raid boss". This is not Lineage. This is Counter Strike Medieval Mod.


Tkx for comment.

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