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Hey ppl,


im pretty new to maxcheaters, although ive been reading guides and DLing shares here for a while ^^

I know it, there are already shitloads of Buffers etc. Download here:




This some info etc.:


The Buff Master, made by M4GNUM - fabrrp, was in my opinion a very nice way

to display buffs and easily add them. But unfortunaly, as many things, it wasn't perfect:

It missed quite some buffs, and it was missing a Full buff button, which was quite annoying.


So I added some things:


> Full buff button

> Some Missing buffs

> Extended 'others' buffs (Added Pet buffs, Dwarf Buffs)

> Pet/Summon buffs, so you can easily Buff your pet or summon!


So I hope i've made it a bit more user friendly. Maybe Ill post updated versions

as this one isn't perfect either...



=How to Install=


1) Place the files from the Gameserver folder of this patch in you own Gameserver folder ('Yes to all')


Note: If you pack has different map names or different locations for the maps:

*) Place the 9999_NPCBuffer folder in the 'Script(s)' -> 'Custom' Folder

*) Place the 40000.htm in the 'Data'-> 'Html' -> 'Default' folder



2) Execute the SQL file to your database


OR use the .txt file for Navicat:

*) Just go to Navicat -> "yourDatabase" -> (custom_)npc,

add a new line and ctrl + v everything you copied from the .txt file



3) Edit the scripts.cfg file in you 'Data' folder by adding this line at the 'custom' section:

"custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py" (Without quotes")


Note: I have added my own scripts.cfg (in the 'Stuff' folder)

to use as an example, not to directly copy, as you might lose quests!



4) Go and test it! (//spawn 40000)



Additional Notes:


> I have added a Skillslist (in the 'Stuff' folder). If you use l2J you should be able to edit buff duration in the General config file.

There you can just paste the list to make the buffs last 3 hours (or whatever you like)


> If you use a diffirent package (other than L2J) and having errors you should do the following:


*) Go to the 9999_NPCbuffer folder (data/scripts/custom)

*) Open the _init_.py (Notepad)

*) Edit these lines with ones of your server:


from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance

from java.util import Iterator

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable

from net.sf.l2j import L2DatabaseFactory

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest        import State

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest        import QuestState

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest


Replace this: net.sf.l2j.


For L2Emu this: net.l2emuproject.

For L2JFree this: com.l2jfree.

(For other packs, you can check the other scripts in the 'scripts' folder)



If you have problems or find buggs etc. you can post on this topic.



Have fun, peace




Buff Master by M4GNUM - fabrrp

Edited and Reshared by LauQ

Readme/Topic by LauQ



PS: I know about the error when you have no pet and go to pet buffs, but its a bit stupid to do anyways imo  ::)


EDIT: On the request for screens:





you can also add kamael buffs for PvP servers ;)

ye I was thinking adding of them too, but they are a bit OP imo


screens up!

thx for replies ^^

  • 3 weeks later...

doesn`t work on l2emu hellbound

Im gonna look at it, thanks for reporting.

I'm going to expand it more, hope I will be able to release it next week :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry lauq i have a mug problem...not only in your buffer..but and the other..

I follow your informations..Then i go to my server after restart..and i spawn the buffer..

I press to "show me"..and it says this text:"you are not either to a quest...that involves this npc,or you dont meet this NPC;s minimum quest requirements..."

Thats all...can you help me?What i am doing wrong???


Sorry lauq i have a mug problem...not only in your buffer..but and the other..

I follow your informations..Then i go to my server after restart..and i spawn the buffer..

I press to "show me"..and it says this text:"you are not either to a quest...that involves this npc,or you dont meet this NPC;s minimum quest requirements..."

Thats all...can you help me?What i am doing wrong???

Yes I could try help you, but I'd like to know what package u are using (L2j, l2jfree, l2emu...)

You should at least check these things:

1) Make sure the loading of the java's correspondes with ur server package; other words:

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance  import L2PcInstance

from java.util import Iterator

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables  import SkillTable

from net.sf.l2j      import L2DatabaseFactory

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest        import State

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest        import QuestState

from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest


Replace this:      net.sf.l2j.


For L2Emu this:      net.l2emuproject.     

For L2JFree this:      com.l2jfree.

(For other packs, you can check the other scripts in the 'scripts' folder)

2) Make sure you added the quest to your scripts.cfg in your Data folder (see guide)

3) You could check the html: make the line correspond to ur quest name: ..._%object%_quest 9999_NPCBuffer"


You may add me on msn if you still have problems. If you still have also name ur package then I could try to solve it :)


@ ALL: Ive made a new buffer, but for now Ill keep it to my server exclusive (I will post topic of the server as soon its live) ^^


Yo Lauq sup man.

I'm testing your buffer on my server but i got this error when i press quick full buff.

Its something on line 662 of the script, something about full Hp. also when i go to restore hp/mp and restore hp/mp for pets. something with the ()SET CURRENT HP AT.

It says code is not on org.phyton.core(unknown source).

Plus i like it better the version you have on Havoc with the pre set buff for mages, warriors, tanks, etc.



I'm using version 1.2.11 from l2jfree


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