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How to check what's using my connection?

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you can use the SpyBot , a free antispyware that has a lot of functions , 1 of them is to see that the programs u have and wich is connected to internet


thats the best for me


or you can just tipe netstat con cmd and there shows all conections


you can use the SpyBot , a free antispyware that has a lot of functions , 1 of them is to see that the programs u have and wich is connected to internet


thats the best for me


or you can just tipe netstat con cmd and there shows all conections

I think it's the best..!! Try it..


but if you search you will find more programs ;)


in CMD, netstat +xxx??

You try this??

i dont know what is what in there

I recommend the NetLimiter - Firewall+Showing Connections, ports, etc+dis..um.. U can.. control which program can use bandwich.. and how much of it.. sorta.. ^^'

ty ill try this prog later

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