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Opws grafw kai to topic einai ontws proklhsh giati o server einai rwsikos kai oi GM tou kafiountai oti to anti-bot systhma tous den spaei.


Den exw kataferei na brw akoma lush kai 8a h8ela thn boh8eia sas. As einai to otidhpote l2walker, L2NET, L2swift.....

Auto pou 8elw einai na mhn anagkazomai na anoigw 5 client gia na pernw buffs.

Den to 8elw gia mena, alla gia to foukariariko tou laptop mou pou exei 1Gb ram  :)




Tepsa edw exw oles tis plhrofories gia ton server links kai odhgies, gia na doulepsoume.


-site: -> http://la2.theabyss.ru/ (H english version einai edw kai liges meres under contruction...)



-How to create account -> http://la2.theabyss.ru/?register (epidh ta pedia einai sta agglika, sas para8etw thn metafrash tous sta agglika)





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I learned (a) by heart of the rule of server. [x]



-Client, patch -> http://la2.theabyss.ru/?files (einai Interlude, an exete ton client, katebaste mono to patch)



Kalh epityxia ek twn proterwn.....


Prepei ontos gia ginei kati gia ton Abyss exo 10 account me 3rc class kai den mporo na botaro poia . Ase pou exoun skistei ekei mesa oi Donators kai ta opla den anebainoun me tpt.


Otan eixa spasei 4 som sinexomena gia +5 tote to paratisa!!!


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