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[Gracia T2 L2J] L2RaceSupremacy - Kaboom of PvP servers

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Ehm I so much hate highrates where You cant add all buffs [No limit]

It has a buff limit and i dont love that... is it only when u are small lvl or its like that when you are high too?


server is very nice and its still in test,gms and admin are helpfull and always hear  players suggestions,and try to satisfy players opinions to their best,the game is balanced even with the custom stuff, Give it a try its worth it


the server is good but where are tha race wars? all people are in talking island and in special(hard) farming area and nothing more...whats the diference with the other usuall pvp servers?btw you need months to collect the special metals for the custom weapons and armors.imagine if you brake them :o


the server is good but where are tha race wars? all people are in talking island and in special(hard) farming area and nothing more...whats the diference with the other usuall pvp servers?btw you need months to collect the special metals for the custom weapons and armors.imagine if you brake them :o



Blessed Scrolls : 100% enchant rate


About war Race :


Now we are still in test mode.

1.Fixing drop of mobs

2.Balance 100% every class

3.Inserting the new race supremacy system (the war between races )



6.Much more stuff in the futere

ATm we are at second step

  Test Mode oN


PS: if u are a good ppl u know what buff to take. They are perfect.  Just take the right buffs.

Best Regards



Advice:Dont mess with each class skills e.g TSS 8 Charge



This really sucks and becomes really unbalanced


the server is good but where are tha race wars? all people are in talking island and in special(hard) farming area and nothing more...whats the diference with the other usuall pvp servers?btw you need months to collect the special metals for the custom weapons and armors.imagine if you brake them :o

It won't be needed months as soon as the farming zone is being extended day by day with new mobs and raids. On those you will earn all the neccesary to buy those that already are, and those that are to come yet ;)



Advice:Dont mess with each class skills e.g TSS 8 Charge



This really sucks and becomes really unbalanced


It got 8 charges, because it deals uber damage.. around 2-3K , which compared to the enchant level, and p.def of the characters , its a rreally high damage. We can make it back to its original charges, but theres to be nerfed it's damage and reuse time, because that's rreally op ;)

Anyways, thank you wery much ! I rreally apprichiate it :)


Ok about TSS but cancel in passives?




Well, until we re-work the skill ( for its succes rate ), it is going to be in passives. we got rreally much stuff to do, and bitching about cancel ( it already happened .. ) aka " ZOMG ME IZ WITH NO BUFFS " aint what we need right now :P


THe server is great gm always helping and always online....Olly Will begin after the test mode...The king mode is perfect..ANd they are trying to make all class balance....And u need like a 8-10 h farm for all the first custom items....Nothing more..Also Boss Farming have start and 2 clans have a big war with good pvp...IT IS PERFECT AND IF GM DONE WITH THEIR WORKS THE SERVER WILL ROCKS...Also They say smth about custom siege,ask gms is a very good idea...

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