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How to be a pro in l2 [joke]

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I didnt make this i found it somewhere long time but i cant remember where :/.Hope this isnt posted already


Guide for newbies - how to become pr0




Well, you download client and want to play on paradise. Well as you play


for the first time - you r 'noob' now. But you are pro! It is bull**** that


you have to play long time to become pro - real pr0 is experienced from


the birth! So I will give you some advices how to act like a real pr0 lineage gamer!




1. Problem with game start? Some 'obscene…' error? Don't worry! U must


understand, that u r pro - this is fact. And pros does not read some dumb


posts how to install server patch - this is for noobs! And u r pr0.


Remember this. So reg on forums and post that this server is bull**** and


you can't login. And put it on 'bugs' sections. Why there? Becaose you


can't login => this is a bug! There is no way that smth can be wrong with


ur game/computer. Why? Cause u r pro! Remeber this.




2. Hmm… Button 'create account' does not work? Yeah… This paradise so


bugged! Just post it on forums or go shout in mIRC.




3. Ok, you understand that you want to create ur account. But you can't!


Damn! Not again! This bugs is everywhere! … What? Wrong browser? But u


r pr0 and you have most coolest browsers: Opera and Firefox! And screw


that comments on reg page that you must use IE. IE for noobs. All c00l


hackers and lineage pro didn't use IE.




4. Now you in game. Ofcouse you want to play now, but you must create


your char first. This char will be the best and c00lest char on the server, so


lets get to work. First - name. Name must show that ur r pr0. And don't


forget, that simple and plain chars is for noobs - pr0 use mnemonic


numbers as chars! So choose smth like 'm3g4Kill3r', 'pwn3r', 'uAlln00bs' -


for that all players will respect you cause they will know that u r pr0 when


they saw ur nick. What class? m… You want to be most powerfull and we


want to prove that. And all pr0s know that real game is PvP. Hunting on


mobs this is for n00bs. So you must pwn all around. How to kill anyone


and stay alive? As pr0 u already know how - heal yourself in the battle!


This is the only way. So go Dark Elf Mage - you will become Shillen Elder.


Nobody can pwn u cause u can heal yourself. Why Dark Elf? Well - DE


female is so sexy! And about they run speed and stun resist - this is for






5. After you enter the game go hunt some keltirs. When you have around


20-30k adena go to Giran. This is where all stupid n00bs gather. U r pr0,


so go ahead and shout that u need some money (only in trade chat - only


real pr0 can post in trade chat what they want, GM likes that very much).


Say smth. like this: "I need adena!!! Only 400k!!!This is for teleport!!!


Pleaseeeee!!!". For n00bs all around that will be an honor to give money


for such pr0 as u. And 400k - this is nothing, trust me. U know that u can


get them, so no need to bother - give other n00bs time for practice. U


have a lot of expirience so u just need money. Oh! And if u get 400k don't


stop - shout more. There can be enough adena.




6. When you get ur first ~2m go to Giran an buy Party Mask. This is very


c00l to run in the battle field in party mask! This is like all pr0s do!




7. If u see GM - come to him and start to shout that u need money or


gear. GMs like that very much. And they give u smth for sure! Why? Cause


u r pr0! Remember this.




8. If u don't like GM - shout in town that he is n00b or stfu (this magic word


I suggest to use everywhere - this is how only pr0 behave). GM will feal


shame and give adena/gear for u to stop this. This is another way to get


items from GMs.




9. Only n00bs try to kill mobs one by one. Go find some pinks or reds


aggro and run among them to gather 5-10 of them. Don't panic - u r pr0


and u can handle this. You can heal very fast with ur acumen lvl1 !




10. If u see that other player fight mob - go and help him. He will be


pleased to have ur help. Try to do this every time u see someone fight


mobs - that will be proof that ur r pr0 for all around.




11. Lineage is not fully completed game. So if u don't like some of ur skill -


go post it on forum. In bug section. DEVs like to code every correction in


LA2 skills system very much and they allways have no work to do. So


create ur own spell system and post it - coding that is very simple for


DEVs and thay will gladly take this job!

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