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Skill stun 100% success rate



Hi guys i want to make an active skill that stuns an enemy 100%
I tried this:


<skill id="12345" levels="1" name="Stun 10%%">
          set name="magicLvl" val="-1" />
        <set name="power" val="100" />
        <set name="target" val="ONE" />
        <set name="hitTime" val="5000" />
        <set name="coolTime" val="2000" />
        <set name="reuseDelay" val="6000" />
        <set name="skillType" val="STUN" />
        <set name="operateType" val="ACTIVE" />
        <set name="isDebuff" val="true" />
        <set name="castRange" val="600" />
        <set name="effectRange" val="1100" />
            <effect name="Stun" time="9" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="stun" />

but it doesn't land. I have to use the skill multiple times on a player to stun him. Thanks in advance.

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3 answers to this question

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1 hour ago, Zake said:

Which pack do you use?

I'm not sure, it's a preconfigured pack. I think based on acis

Could be these settings maybe?


#  Chances Skilss Balance
StunChanceModifier = 1.0
BleedChanceModifier = 1.0
PoisonChanceModifier = 1.0
ParalyzeChanceModifier = 1.0
RootChanceModifier = 1.0
SleepChanceModifier = 1.0
FearChanceModifier = 0.3
ConfusionChanceModifier = 1.0
DebuffChanceModifier = 1.0
SurrenderChanceModifier = 1.5

idk how this skill balance work.

Edited by Rio
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11 hours ago, Rio said:

Hi guys i want to make an active skill that stuns an enemy 100%
I tried this:

but it doesn't land. I have to use the skill multiple times on a player to stun him. Thanks in advance.

<effect name="Stun" time="9" val="0" effectPower="100" stackOrder="1" stackType="stun" />

if you use acis. If effectType is not specified, then we get a static chance without taking into account any multiplier.

Снимок экрана 2023-12-29 153450.png

Edited by Psygrammator
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