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Hi friends, I have a question I am trying to access the CreatureID variable of the Pawn class that inherits from the Actor class to check if it is the one that corresponds to my target inside a for loop.
I am trying to apply an effect on the target as in the monokini interface, but in the Interlude client.


function ApplyEffectTarget (bool isClear, optional private UserInfo info )
	local Pawn a_Pawn;
	local Vector V;
	local Actor PlayerActor;
	if(! GetTargetInfo(info))
		V = PlayerActor.Location;		
	if ( decalEmitter != None )
		decalEmitter = None;
	if ( isClear )
	foreach PlayerActor.CollidingActors(Class'Pawn',a_Pawn,100,V)
		if (m_TargetID == a_Pawn.CreatureID && m_TargetID > 0)		
			V.X = 0.0;
			V.Y = 0.0;
			V.Z = a_Pawn.CollisionHeight + 7;
			decalEmitter = a_Pawn.Spawn(TargetEmitterClass, a_Pawn);
		} else {


I get this error when compiling





Can someone help me ? 






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